Page 41 of When Darkness Falls
“In one and the same cubicle?”Please say yes, please say yes!
“Yes. I must keep you safe.”
Yes! “And then?”
“Then we’ll find a bed.”
“You’ll get some sleep before piloting. I’ll keep watch.”
Well… shit. Now she knew his true intentions. It was death by blue ovaries that awaited her.
“Take the useless contraptions off, Miya,” Therak prompted her when she just stood there, contemplating whether it wasn’t better to have the megagull swallow her whole.
How could she have misread his signals so completely?
“What if I don’t feel comfortable in the nude when with you, Therak?” Stripping in front of him when he wasn’t interested would be awkward as hells.
He stepped closer and looked down into her eyes. “Your scent tells me you wish to bathe with me. Very much.”
Miya’s cheeks burned. “Shouldn’t you be worried in that case? That I might take advantage of the situation?”
He put a hand at the back of her neck and gently pulled her closer until he could rest his forehead on hers.
Her breath hitched.
“You risked your life for mine earlier,” he spoke softly, his lips so close to hers. “Only my father has ever done that for me. I trust you to do anything within your power to keep me safe.”
She melted inside, both at the closeness he had initiated and at his words of appreciation. “Thank you, Therak.” A tiny smile escaped her as she added, “I’ll do my best to keep you safe from my gropey hands.”
“I do want your hands on me, Miya.”
“Huh?” Could it be that he was in fact interested–
“You can remove the bandages while I wash your hair.”
Dang it! “Right. It’s a deal.”
With that he left her side and went into a cubicle, where he began inspecting the shower drain.
While he was making sure no bug-size creature would come out of there to munch on them, Miya began undressing, no longer feeling awkward about it. Her naughty shower fantasy wasn’t going to become a reality, but the intimate moment they had shared would do just fine.
Not to mention the shower cubicle turned out to be smaller than it looked from outside, leaving barely any space between her and Therak once she stepped inside. It was like the situation in the escape pod, episode two, the only difference being she could move her arms and turn around freely.
And there were no clothes between them this time. So, when Therak moved to swap places with her, leaving him between Miya and any possible danger from outside the cubicle, for a moment there they ended up skin-to-skin. Oh, boy.
While she was recovering from the electrifying contact, he reached over her to turn the water on.
“Miya, I can’t make sense of the temperature regulator. Where should I press?”
“I’ll get it. Let me just turn around… Oops, sorry, didn’t mean to step on you… There, this temperature should be good for both of us. Let’s try… Crap! The blast’s too strong!”
“I can decrease it.”
“Do it! Hells, it’s blasting right in my face! Do something!”
“Stop moving, Miya.”