Page 63 of When Darkness Falls
Miya was turning her head in all directions, trying to distinguish the answer to that question, but heard a new sound amid the chaos instead. Was that the sound of… a blade cutting through flesh?
Something bit down on her toe. She screamed.
“Get off, get off,get off!” She tried to shake the little critter off, but wiggling her toes only made it bite down harder.
Another set of tiny teeth dug into her other foot, and Miya could do nothing but scream some more.
Lost in the pain, she nearly missed the moment when the acupuncture from hells abruptly ended. The sounds of animals in agonizing pain had stopped at some point too. Her wheezing breaths were the only thing she could hear.
Then she heard the blade again. Cutting through the air right next to her.
Scratch the dying-as-baby-food scenario. The psycho Sakhin had come all this way to take her head, as promised.
Suddenly, Miya was falling.
She was free from whatever had kept her attached to the ceiling!... But still immobilized, she couldn’t stop the ground from rushing to meet her head. She braced for the impact–
It never came. Someone caught her mid-fall. Arms wrapped around her thighs and next thing she knew, Miya was carefully lowered to the ground. Only to be picked up properly like a goo-covered damsel in distress.
“Therak?” she whispered in the dark.
“Expecting someone else, Miya?”
“You’re alive!! Galaxies, thank the stars!” She sniffled, eyes filling with tears, this time happy ones. “Wait, what are you doing here? Did you come forme?”
“I decided to explore the predators’ lair before taking off,” he explained matter-of-factly as he carried her through the darkness. “Figured I wouldn’t get another chance like this.”
Holy Earth cow. Therak was alive, strong enough to fight his way to her, andjokingto cover up the fact he had come to save her. Surprises never ceased today, did they?
She sniffled again and rested her teary cheek against his warm chest. “You never expected to find the tiny and fragile Earthling in one piece during your touristy stroll, huh?”
“Never expected you to go against my instructions twice in one day.”
She had to remind him her wrench intervention might have saved his life, the way her bot intervention had, but he stopped walking and placed her on her feet. Gentle fingers brushed her tears away. Soft lips pressed against hers for the briefest of kisses.
“You’ll stay put this time, sapphire.”
Busy swooning, Miya didn’t realize what was happening until she found herself deposited on the ground and alone.
Hissing, screeching and the sound of his blade doing its job reached her stunned self.
Silly her, thinking they were in the clear already. Who knew how many monsters were between them and the shuttle… Could Therak kill them all?
In this case, Miya didn’t have time to start panicking and imagining death scenarios. It had to have been a minute or two when Therak’s arms were again under her, picking her up.
“Therak, are you hurt? How can you still fight after the encounter with Sakhin? Is he dead, for real this time?” The questions poured out of her one after the other, now that she had caught her breath.
“He was a challenge but not one I couldn’t handle. No need to fear him ever again, Miya. You can stop leaking.”
She smiled shakily. “Sakhin has met his end, got it. As for the leaking, it’s called crying, and we humans do it out of relief sometimes. I’m so happy to see you, Therak.”
His hands on her tightened a bit. “No one has been happy upon seeing me come for them. Ever.”
Yeah, she could imagine what his appearance somewhere caused – and she wasn’t talking about excitement at seeing a swords-wielding naked Apollo. When Therak came for someone, it spelled death for them.
Until her. For Miya, he had brought death to anyone and anything standing in his way to her. When darkness had fallen, he had descended in its depths to rescue his sapphire and bring her back to the light.