Page 66 of When Darkness Falls
He began cleaning the wound on her other foot, eyes on his task. “Now I tear the slimy jumpsuit off you.”
Miya giggled. “No need for tearing. I’ll personally remove this disgusting garment and space it.”
Right after she peed in the spacing chute. This old shuttle model had no proper toilet facilities, but peeing in a chute behind a retractable privacy screen beat using a colonists’ toilet, where she had expected something to chomp down on her ass at any moment.
“It needs to be destroyed,” he told her as he professionally bandaged her foot. “Because of the clothing muffling your scent, I nearly failed to find you on time in the tunnels.”
“Ah, I was wondering how you managed to track me down in that maze.” She cleared her throat. “I never actually thanked you for rescuing me, did I?”
“No need. Back on the military ship I said I would save both of us, and now that mission is complete.”
Miya bit her lip. “And now what?”
He placed her bandaged foot gently on the ground and looked up to meet her eyes. His own were even darker than before.
“Now, Miya, we fly.”
His intense gaze alone made heat spread across her body. Add his deep, smooth voice and a flash of fang as he smiled, and Miya was on the verge of jumping his bones.
“Aren’t we already flying?”
He got up and pointed at the console. “From here you can shut down the artificial gravity, correct?”
“Um… yes?”
“We’ll still remain on course if it’s shut down?”
She nodded with a deep frown. What kind of questions were those?
“Where should I press or swipe?”
“Uh… you turn this switch here? But why–”
He turned the switch.
Miya felt her body go weightless a moment before it left the seat, floating upward. At the same time, Therak’s feet barely left the floor. How, she didn’t want to go into right now. She was more interested in learning what in the worlds was going on. Especially when he took her hand and pulled her toward the free space at the back of the shuttle.
“Why am I being manhandled at zero gravity?... Therak?”
“Told you, Miya.” He put his hands on her hips and brought her closer, her face at the same level as his, their eyes locked. “I want to fly with you.”
That was the only explanation she got before the zipper of her jumpsuit began lowering.
The Will of the Universe
Miya watched, mesmerized, how the multitude of colors swirled in Therak’s eyes as he used his telekinesis to undress her. There was no mistaking the heat in his gaze as the valley between her breasts was exposed. His pointed ears twitched, leaving no doubt as to what his intentions were.
This was not just about getting the dirty clothes off her. It was also about getting her naked.
The jumpsuit floated away, leaving Miya in nothing but her lace panties. She flushed under Therak’s appreciative gaze and the hungry expression on his face, an unreadable mask no longer hiding his emotions.
He brought her body against his and buried his nose in her hair. “Finally. Your scent…”
Miya slid her hands up his biceps. “Is that why you undressed me? So that my scent would no longer be muffled?”
His hands cupped her ass. “Your undergarments…”