Page 69 of When Darkness Falls
“Where did you learn all those moves?” she found herself asking as she moved her hand over the smooth plain of his chest. What could she say, she had a thing for chests. Especially Therak’s. “In the same place you trained to become an assassin?”
He began running his fingers through her hair, eliciting another contented sigh from Miya. “I’ve been trained to satisfy the females of my kind. As suspected, you Earthlings have very similar anatomy. The major differences are you have a pleasure button and no third breast.”
Miya snickered at his detailed list. She didn’t know about his kind’s females, but his anatomy only looked like a human man’s. Because the way his equipment worked... Oh, boy. The guys on Earth would be blown out of the water.
Zero recovery time, baby.
“What exactly do you mean by ‘trained’?”
“The females of my homeworld are few. The continuation of my species requires that none of them are left unsatisfied. Every male is taught in school how to bring them to completion.” As he spoke, he turned in her arms until he could nuzzle the crook of her neck. Then he set on a downward path of kisses.
Oh my.
“The higher marks you get in school, the better chance you have for a spot in a female’s harem.” Therak kept speaking in between his scorching kisses down between her breasts. “Life in a harem is an easy one. All you need to do daily,” he nipped the side of one breast, “is to satisfy your mistress’ every desire.”
“Oh…” With his darkened gaze on hers during the breath-stealing foreplay, it was hard to form words.
“But I wanted a different life. I wasn’t into linking myself to just any female who chose me.” He circled one hardened peak with his tongue, and Miya gasped. “I wanted to be the one doing the choosing.”
“Sounds… reasonable…” She moaned when he sucked the stiff bud into his hot mouth, and she locked her legs around him. She had thought herself tired, but sleeping could wait.
He returned to her mouth for a teasing lip-lock with a bit of fang and lots of tongue.
When she was panting and needily grinding against him, he said over her lips, “I choose you, Miya.”
She froze. “You do?Me?”
“Yes, my sapphire.”
Holy Earth and space cows! He had already played her body to perfection, had the clear intention of doing it again, and now he was turning her to mush with his words. And she’d thought he would kill her once they escaped Xera? If she had only known what he’d had in mind for their space trip…
Miya grabbed him by the pointed ears and pulled him down into a fervent kiss to convey her answer. She needed no harem; she wanted only one man for herself. And she chose Therak.
Just in case he didn’t get the picture, she tugged him toward the co-pilot seat. There she rode him until they both saw stars – and she wasn’t talking about those visible outside the shuttle.
Then she snuggled into him and drifted to sleep, feeling safe and happy like never before.
It was after a day and a half that the ship’s energy cells failed them. By then, they had made it almost all the way to Alfatar, so they had encountered a ship willing to pull them to the station less than fifteen minutes after they had sent a distress signal.
If it had been up to Miya, she would have waited for a day – or three – before sending the signal. She wanted this honeymoon of sorts to never end. As many times as they had merged into one, it hadn’t been enough. She had the feeling it would never be. They had spent some time talking, but they had basically just scratched the surface of getting to know each other’s pasts.
However, Therak had not wanted to risk staying in the area longer than necessary. So, the distress signal had been sent and here they were, approaching Alfatar Station.
“What will we do now?” she asked from the pilot seat as she watched the station growing bigger and bigger among the stars before them.
There was no more postponing this conversation, unfortunately. It was time to get back to reality. And in the real world, there were mercenaries who wanted her Therak’s head and military who wanted him in prison.
Standing behind her as he was, he put his hand at the back of her neck and began massaging the tension out of her. She sank back into his touch with a happy moan at the expert touch as well as the meaning behind it.
During one of their talks in between sexy times, Therak had told her that in his culture, touching each other’s necks was as intimate as sharing a kiss. It meant full trust, for that was a very vulnerable area which also provided the flow of energy between your mind and your heart. It also meant full honesty, for there could be no lies or secrets when looking in each other’s eyes and taking each other’s scents from so close. Resting your forehead on another’s in addition to touching the nape of their neck? Even more intimate, since it signified linking not just your body but also your mind to theirs.
In this case, just like in many previous ones, Therak meant to lend Miya his energy, his support. The touch there also grounded him, similarly to the feel of her hair against his skin. Ever since he had given her a piggyback ride, he had gotten addicted to being in physical contact with her. Cuddling had completely sealed the deal.
As laden with meaning as the current massage was, though, Miya needed an answer. “Therak, please tell me the plan. Good communication is key to a healthy relationship, remember?”