Page 21 of Lost In Seoul
More than awful, it sounds terrifying. Rae’s face says exactly what I’m thinking inside, and Siu takes note. He lifts his hand and nods at Rae as if he’s trying to reassure him. He has to know how crazy this sounds.
“Of course it will be in a controlled environment, and the show will have dignity.”
Dignity? Dignity? Is he serious?
How he can use that word when he’s trying to make us fall in love with one of our fanatical fans? Or just find “feelings” for some poor person on television in front of the whole world? Where is the dignity in that?
“Trust me, this will take the brand to a new level of popularity,” his voice is slick, and he’s back to sounding like a salesman.
Of course, no one dares speak or argue against this decision of his. No one dares tell him all the ways this sucks or how it could go wrong. We just listen and follow his orders, because that’s what we’re paid to do. That’s what is required of us.
And… we signed our rights away for fame years ago.
“This is a dream come true for a fan,” Siu’s voice raises a few octaves and I know he’s trying to pump us all up. He can tell the mood in the room has really shifted. “Look at it like this. Just as your dreams came true being in this band, you’re giving a chance to these men and women who adore you to fulfill their own—you’re giving them their dream come true.”
For a moment he has me feeling like this is just another aspirational show, but then he dashes that sentiment away with his next words…
“Imagine what this will do for sales?”
Kai smirks. I know he’s thinking the same thing as me. Lucky for us, Siu doesn’t notice.
“Obviously we’ll have complete authority of the subject matter. And a lot of it will be scripted.”
Idiot producer who smiles entirely too much at Ari pipes in at that moment.
“Not only that, after looking at the data, the fans will get a chance to be able to be a part of your world and understand your process. It humanizes you more, and the numbers don’t lie.”
“The fans will never understand our process.” The words come out before I can stop them.
The room goes silent and I know all my bandmates are staring at me in complete shock. Even Siu can’t contain his surprise. I don’t even dare glance at Ari, but I can feel her eyes glued to me.
“Yes, well,” the idiot replies slowly. “This will open their eyes a little more.”
“Of course it will,” Kai chimes in at that moment. I can hear the warning in his voice and I back down.
I go back to being the meek Sookie they know me as.
“It will help both comebacks,” he says.
I watch Ari smile at him and I can’t tell if it’s a real smile or not, but whatever it is, I hate it. I dig my fingers into the conference table and I try to control my raging emotions.
I’m sorry,” Kai asks in confusion. “Did you sayboth?”
“Yes, I did.”
Kai stares at him in confusion.
We moved their next comeback to October, same as you. We thought it best that both coincide with the show.” Siu grins, and I tell myself he’s a good guy, he discovered us, he’s like family so why is he betraying us right now? That’s immediate competition from both fan groups and no matter how many times we do a dance challenge on Tik-Tok and say hi, we’ve known each other for five years—fandoms still go crazy thinking we’re competing.
It’s going to be an absolute shit show.
Which might be what they’re going for, all press is good press, but this sounds like a nightmare.
Producer guy nods at Siu. “Exactly. Marketing wise, it makes sense, you’ll have enough time during filming to still work on your songs, and we won’t leak them. In fact, we encourage you to allow these fans to get into your process, they won’t have access to you all the time, only the allotted filming time.”
“So,” Rae clears his throat. “We’ll go back to the dorms?”