Page 23 of Lost In Seoul
“I can’t go to prison for murder.” Rae whispers.
“You’re too pretty.” Jay agrees.
Kai curses and grimaces after the young, arrogant group. “This is going to be a bloodbath.”
“I’m already tired from all the drama that hasn’t even commenced yet.” Lucas yawns. “This is going to be a nightmare.”
Yes. It already is. It’s my worst nightmare.
Loving someone who I can’t have. Loving someone who’s about to watch me date a bunch of women I don’t want.
Loving someone who’s forbidden in every way.
Chapter Four
I try not to watch him leave in the elevator, but I can’t help it when his eyes lift and lock onto mine.
My heart sinks in dread at the thought of what I am about to be forced to endure.
I’m going to have to watch the guy I’m forbidden to love—date other girls.
I’m going to have to watch the guy I obsess about smile and flirt with other girls. What kind of nightmare is this?
What if he falls for one?
What if he realizes I’m nothing special?
I know that at the end of the day it doesn’t matter, we can’t ever be anything no matter how much either of us may want it…
And… he’s still young. God. What am I saying? He certainly doesn’t feel young—at least, not his experience level, which is shocking.
Yes, my mind immediately goes there. To his experience level.
The way he touches me. The caress of his fingertips, of his lips. The power in his grip… the way he just takes charge and owns me. I’m not kissing the youngest K-pop idol in SWT.
I’m kissing a grown ass man.
I shiver.
I need to stop thinking about it.
I walk back into the conference room and quickly start to collect all of the contracts and tuck them in the leather portfolios. My feet ache from being in heels all day and my heart hurts where it shouldn’t all because I fell for the wrong person.
Don’t they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else? Yuck. The idea is physically repulsive to me. I can’t imagine anyone else touching me, let alone putting their hands on my body. I shake my head and try to steer my thoughts back to business. Of course, I stare right down at Sookie’s contract. He’s always done a bigger S in the beginning and a heart over his I when signing anything.
Today, it looks like he’s lost all his joy and simply decided to sign like a normal human—not an idol. I know he’s been having it rough lately, I just wish I knew what else was bothering him other than the stress from all the pressure this job of his brings.
I can’t blame him for feeling the way he does.
He’s not a child. He’s a grown man with needs and wants—playing the cutesy innocent guy that he’s forced to project would get old for anyone—no matter how much money and fame is being thrown at you. I’m pretty sure he physically gags when he has to do a little heart in front of his face and talk in a cutesy voice.
It’s the furthest thing from what he is.
He’s too deep for the persona he plays. He’s too masculine. There’s so much going on underneath all the layers he’s forced to project to the world.
Now that’s the guy I think the fans would go even crazier for.