Page 36 of Lost In Seoul
Her dress even has polka dots.
I almost scowl at my own attitude, but doesn’t she realize we’re men? I’ve never been one of those guys that’s attracted to Aegyo, or basically when girls pitch their voices to sound innocent and cute, overuse the word Oppa, pinch their own cheeks, or look at me like it’s going to work.
To me it seems somewhat manipulative and in my experience girls only used it to get something they wanted—it was never about me.
I’m still frowning as she answers. “Well, before you got a girlfriend, I guess.” She giggles behind her hand. “I’d say you, but I really like guys who treat a girl the way they deserve to be treated.”
Grace is clearly irritated. We’re three hours in and I’m already ready to start laughing under my breath. She has a temper on her and anytime anyone comments on their relationship in front of her left eye flinches.
Only me and the guys really notice it and give her crap about it all the time. Besides people assume since she knew basically no Korean last year, that she doesn’t really understand it—but we’ve been helping her and she’s picked up on it extremely fast -so safe to say she picked up on every damn word.
“That’s,” Grace’s smile is so forced, and there goes the left eye. She looks away. “So very sweet, and how should a woman be treated?”
“Like a princess of course.” The girl, her name escapes me because I don’t care, points at herself and giggles again, Gold help me if she does a little curtsy before a short bow and—son of a bitch.
Note to self, stay away from polka dot headband girl, far, far away.
I endure another hour of torture from the girls, we’re supposed to be observing to see which ones we’d be interested in partnering with for the first competition but I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be lucky enough to get a choice since my ex is here and they’ll want drama.
I snap out of it while Rae walks over to me and whispers under his breath. “Her left eye almost popped out of it’s socket.”
I smirk. “I was almost scared for Lucas for no reason other than she needed something to hit and the closest object was his hand which was dangerously close to his—“
“—Dick.” Jay comes up and shoves his hands into his pockets while both me and Rae look over at him. “What? It was, it’s not like I was looking, I’m just saying, I saw a very real terror in his eyes.” He nods like he has experience with having a girl or guy smack him in that area.
Jay, always a semi mystery.
Kai comes up behind him and suddenly ducks. Gripping him by the shoulders. “Is she still here?”
I frown. “Gonna have to be more specific there are a lot of girls in this haunted mansion.”
“Solia.” He ducks again, “Shit, sorry I thought I saw her dark hair.”
“Half the girls have dark hair.” Rae points out. “You good man?”
Kai stands to his full height and tuck his hair behind his ears. “Yeah, totally, fine, everything is fine.”
I cough and then smile above his head. “Oh hey Solia, we were just looking for you.”
Kai completely pales, squeezing his eyes shut.
Rae’s laughter is music to my ears. “He’s dicking around, Kai, relax.”
“Dick,” Jay sighs. “Word of the day.”
“Why?” Lucas yawns behind his jeweled hand, they really went all out to make him look the bad boy roll, meanwhile, I’m pretty sure production would rather put a bow on my head or give me polka dots headband.
I shudder again.
Grace joins us with her arms crossed.
I smile at her.
Her eyes narrow.
“And on that note.” Rae holds up his hands in mock surrender. “We should go get some rest and food with the hostage enemy camp forced to stay in the same house.”