Page 62 of Lost In Seoul
That kiss actually felt like a lot longer than ten seconds. More like twenty, maybe thirty… and was tongue absolutely necessary? He could have made his point with just a peck?
I realize I need a long shower and sleep—clarity and sanity will surely come after a good night’s rest?
I busy myself and watch the other three couples get congratulated. Everyone figured out who was wearing what disguise. The running joke is that the screaming from the idols and the talking to the zombies in order to convince them to let them pass gave everything away., It wasn’t just the voice recognition but their mannerisms—down to Eric in his half horse weird Narnia thing he has going on. Despite my feelings right now, I’m still dying to know why that’s his fear. I’m also convinced he will never in his life live this down, it’s almost enough for me to smile, but I know even if I did, it wouldn’t reach my eyes.
Eric was paired with Ha-Yoon, which is sweet since she seems like a genuinely nice fan, she even helped him after he tripped on his hoof and nearly face planted against a female zombie holding her own head.
Beth and Rae were picked together and while their interaction was painfully awkward on her end, I think Rae was able to shatter the whole idol leader reputation when he jumped into her arms at one point—how she caught him, I have no idea.
Mishel and Suho were last, and the slowest, but I think it’s because she wouldn’t stop arguing with him until he finally abandoned her and just walked through the zombies yelling. “Move.” While she ran after him saying “I’m scared” at least a dozen times.
I know Rae would say the guy got a taste of his own medicine but, I still felt slightly bad for her that she was abandoned by her idol, then again, he was all smiles and kindness the minute they got out and told the cameras he was just freaked out and forgot about her by accident.
I snort just thinking about it as the costumes are taken off all the guys.
Sookie’s in black tight leggings and a loose black long-sleeved shirt. I’m ready to approach him when I get a sudden tap on my shoulder.
“Good.” Director Simon nods while staring at his phone. “I like the drama, specifically over Sookie, kid needs to be careful not to end his career but the ratings are going to soar, get legal on it just in case management gets angry, and let him know to play it out between the girls, that’s our angle.”
He pats me on the back. “Good work today,” He turns. “Everyone, that’s a wrap for day two.”
I try to speak again, “Listen, Director Simon, you’re playing with his career.”
Director Simon frowns and looks over his shoulder. “He chose this, and he made those decisions in that haunted school. That was his doing. That’s not my fault, I was told to get ratings and promote the album, if he gets canceled that’s on him. Look, I know you’ve worked with the group for a few years, you’re close to all of them, and you work for the label, just let him know to play it up, say it like the friend you are.” He winks like the dirty bastard he is and continues to walk away and shake hands with people and bow like he has his new gold mine.
My heart falls to my feet.
Because I know he does. He’s not wrong. This will be a ratings juggernaut.
Sookie starts walking toward the last van, I jog after him and try to look as nonchalant as physically and painfully possible. “Good job.”
He snorts out a laugh and shakes his head at, not even sparing me a glance.
“Sure, thanks, okay.”
Somehow, in the course of a few hours, Sookie’s grown up some more. He’s more masculine. More adult… even more… hot? I clear my throat and squeeze my eyes shut while the cast piles into the other van, leaving us all alone. How is it that we’re the only ones going to this one? I try to remain as professional as possible.
“Director Simon wants you to stay close to both girls.” I’m walking next to him but it feels like he’s billions of miles away. His eyes have only been for Dueri the entire show. I’ve never seen an ex-girlfriend be so bold as to shame someone who’s dying on tv, which I know is the angle they’re going for, but it would be a new low for sure. The numbers will skyrocket, no doubt. And after seeing how many live streamers there were the day before when it passed ten million, why wouldn’t the director go for all the drama he could, at the cost of the idols career?
When I think of the legalities of everything I immediately feel a pulsing in my temples for the third time tonight which isn’t helping my stress level. Nor is walking next to Sookie whose body language screams out how unimportant I am. I climb into the van.
“Yeah.” He finally speaks. “I don’t know if I’m going to play into it, it feels wrong. More than wrong. It feels gross, I mean she’s dying, you get that right? This girl is dying, so why not give her something she wants and needs?” Sookie’s eyes search mine and I hate that I’m so jealous of a dying girl. I hate that I hate how protective he is of her. I should love his compassion, instead, it makes me want to breathe fire.
“And Iseul is a completely different story I won’t talk about. She’s toxic and being next to her makes me want to—” I wait for him to say something else but he just shakes his head and walks into the van and takes a seat in the back.
I follow him and put my seatbelt on. The doors to the van start to close while we sit in back, both looking straight ahead. He closes his eyes like he can’t bear to look at me, but I tell myself it’s because he’s tired. That fighting zombies was difficult. It’s not me. I’m just reading into the situation.
“Well, you need to talk about it.” I say it fast and forceful. I immediately regret it when his body freezes. I can tell he doesn’t like my words so I fumble to explain. “I mean, it’s good for ratings, it takes attention away from you cursing on live tv and it helps everyone, you do realize your career is in jeopardy, right? I mean if we can spin it in the right way, it’ll be fine.”
“Does it help you?” He tilts his head toward me, his eyes are glassy like he’s about to yell.
“I don’t understand,” I’m suddenly nervous as hell. His energy is as volatile as a volcano on the verge… and this volcano is about to breathe hell and fire on me.
“What don’t you understand, Ari? It’s simple. Answer the question. Does it help you? Am I doing this to help your job?” he enunciates every word and his eyes are glazed over in anger.
“No, no,” my response is nervous and I hate that my voice quivers. But I’ve never experienced this side of Sookie before. I’ve never seen this kind of anger.