Page 68 of Lost In Seoul
I clench my hands, my fingers digging into my palms when he leans in and flirts with her. Why is his face so close? Is that really necessary?
Viewership has soared for the show, to the point it’s number one on the network for the last three days and climbing. Pre-orders for both groups’ albums have skyrocketed past three million—no small feat for either of them.
I should be proud.
I should ignore the fact that he looks ready to kiss her while they’re on a date, he’d at one point suggested we do in secret. One I turned him down on. One I told him I couldn’t do.
It sounds stupid, that I’d be upset he took her hiking and for a picnic. And the little shit keeps tripping and clinging to his arm. If she asks him about working out one more time, I’m going to scream.
“So,” His ex Iseul stumbles next to him. “Would you ever date a fan in real life?”
He smiles down at her looking every part sexy, his hairs just the right amount of length near his shoulders, messy with added red highlights in it, his eyes search hers like he’s the hesitant lead on this own K Drama, then smiles slowly. “I think anything’s possible.”
“Just like it’s possible for your heart to swoon?” She jokes.
“Does that mean yours is?” He says so smooth and fast I’m sputtering in my head and malfunctioning.
And that, folks is what has every fan screaming, the other guys are killing it too, don’t get me wrong, but nobody’s seen Sookie in this light before, he’s not just a flirt, he’s downright dangerous to someone’s health even with being on the brink of cancelation. I would know. And when I told him to play into it, this was not really what I had in mind.
She keeps walking without looking where she’s going and trips again, this time stumbling onto a rock. He catches her… was that in slow motion? It felt like it was slow motion.
The makeup artist next to me grabs a random leaf and starts fanning herself with it.
She literally plucked it from the tree next to her like she’s in some sort of romantic scene and needed something to remember this moment by.
Production is completely engrossed, including Director Simon, they don’t cut, shouldn’t they be cutting? Shouldn’t we get medics in there? What if she’s bleeding? Did she hit her head?
Sookie sets her down on the same rock and takes off his baggy black sweatshirt revealing nothing but a black tank top that leaves no muscle without any screen time, and since he was wearing a sweatshirt, his sleeve is now completely on display, including the tattoos I took him to get.
My tattoos.
She sucks in a sharp breath.
So does the makeup artist next to me—we were under strict instructions to keep his image innocent! Nothing about this screams innocence.
The makeup artist next to me grabs hold to the tree trunk, a few other women on set have their phones strategically out.
I stomp over to grab them when Sookie cups her face with his hands. “Are you okay?”
How does a person flex while cupping someone’s face?
She nods, her lips part.
He wouldn’t dare.
He wouldn’t go that far.
I can’t breathe.
I think everyone around me is too stunned to move, it’s like we’re in a parallel universe, my life is going to be complete hell now, I’m going to have to deal with all of this shit! Because he just wants to piss me off and make me jealous.
Why am I always making it about me?
All he’d said yesterday was, “Oh you want me to fully commit? Do my job?” He gave me a slight shove. “As per my contract? Really participate and bring in ratings…” He lowered his voice and whispered next to me. “Fucking watch me.”