Page 91 of Lost In Seoul
Rae yawns wide behind his hand. “Sucks for him, guy’s not even legally allowed to date yet is he? Isn’t that part of his contract?”
I swallow the lump in my throat. “Yeah, I think he has two more years on the actual contract.”
“You should make an addendum to it or something, no guy like’s being told he can’t date even if Sookie’s sometimes more afraid of girls than the rest of us.”
Yeah, real afraid. I think back on the way he maneuvered me, kissed me, and had no hesitation in getting me naked. “I’ll ask management when the show stops filming.”
Rae pats me on the shoulder and yawns again. “Go get some rest, wait our call times in two hours. You did sleep a bit, right?”
No. I was naked with one of your best friends. “Sort of.”
“Cool, see you on set.”
He walks by me and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge. I finally exhale and make it back to my room. When I check my phone, I realize sleep isn’t going to happen plus now my bed smells like Sookie, he’s always wearing Sauvage by Dior which means he it smells like a spicy bergamot and vanilla on my sheets.
Maybe I’ll just buy a bottle so I can spray it on everything, actually no, that’s a horrible idea because then people will smell him on me and it would look suspicious, stupid that I can’t even spray cologne on anything.
I can’t hold his hand in public.
He legally isn’t even supposed to date.
I can’t offer him support that seems out of line in what I do for the other guys.
And he’s right it’s a huge conflict of interest on top of me being older and wow the more things I list the more anxious I get.
I ignore the bad feeling in my gut and quickly change take a shower, put my hair up in a tight bun, and throw on a pair of loose fitting khaki pants, a white tucked in shirt, and grab my black Gucci belt, I figure I can get away with a more casual look and pair my green Mage loafers, by the time I grab my phone I already have three missed calls from production, and four text messages from Sookie.
Jay’s worried about us sneaking around and told me I smelled like sex.
I quickly tap back.
You smelled incredible and I was just toying with the idea of spraying your cologne all over my bed then realized that I’d be walking around set smelling like you.
Would that be so bad?
Pretty sure that Rae would notice.
Yet he failed to notice the smell of sex and the way that your hair was all messy when he ran into you this morning, he told me you seemed a bit frazzled and apparently is an advocate of me not having a dating clause in my contract.
I start walking out the door while texting him.
Yes, I’m sure he’ll be positively thrilled to find out I took out the clause and fought with management all so I can get into your pants.
I think it’s a fantastic reason.