Page 93 of Lost In Seoul
The girls cheer.
“Dueri, what’s the capital of The Netherlands?”
Dueri answers quickly. “Amsterdam.”
“Correct!” Grace smiles.
Lucas speaks next. “Iseul, was Cleopatra from Greece or Egypt?”
Iseul looks at the camera. “That’s a trick question. But I believe she was actually Greek.” She makes a face. “Am I right?”
“Correct!” Lucas says. “Beth, in what country did it used to be illegal to own only one gerbil because they were afraid the animal would get lonely?”
Beth’s eyes bug out. “Um, America?”
“Incorrect.” Lucas winces. “So that means you’re picking an idol to soak. Choose wisely!”
She eyes all the guys, most are begging not to be sent over the edge into the water which is kind of cute. Sookie stands tall.
Oh the other girls aren’t going to like that.
“I see how it is.” Sookie winks at her then grabs ahold of his harness as he gets jerked back and dropped into the water. When he pops back up, he’s completely soaked through and what’s even more relevant is the fact that the white shorts are clinging to his thighs and also leaving nothing to the imagination about if he’s packing.
He adjusts his shorts a little bit, but it’s no use since he’s in a harness, and there’s no question in my mind that Director Simon probably did it on purpose.
The girls all cover their faces but are all giggles while I’m trying hard not to fan my suddenly hot face.
Rae elbows him a bit and snickers while Kai and Jay look ready to pray they don’t get dropped in so that the world has a full view of their package. I’m wondering if the Director will edit it out but by the looks of the ratings I highly doubt it. While day one was partially live he’s releasing the episodes and raw footage daily along with the confessionals from the girls.
The guys haven’t had to go in yet and do a confessional but will be starting them today—another add to filming since that’s really what people want to see.
“Next question,” Grace says. “Beth, what animal takes the longest naps?”
The guys all groan.
She makes a face. “Sloths?”
“Good guess, but I’m sad to say it’s actually a snail, they can nap up to three years.” Grace laughs. “Pick the idol you want to get wet.”
Beth laughs behind her hand. “I feel bad saying this but I don’t want my bias to get wet, and the rest of the guys are dry so, I pick Sookie.”
“Wow.” Sookie whistles while the guys all snicker. “I see how it is, getting ganged up on.”
“So cute,” Beth says under her breath.
Ha-Yoon speaks up while the camera pans to her. “That’s why he’s known as a bias wrecker, do you see how tight his shorts are now?”
“Everyone sees.” Dueri whispers in awe.
Mishel crosses her arms but says nothing while the bungee pulls Sookie down yet again and plunges him into the water.
When he comes back up, he’s dripping wet and possible shorts moved up his thigh on the right exposing a chokehold of a thick thigh.
“Good choice!” Iseul claps her hands. “How are you feeling Sookie?”
“Cold.” He answers back wiping his face with his hands. “And very, very wet.”