Page 29 of Sweet Spot
It was a stick from a pine tree, not an oak, and the damn thing was dead, hence why it was broken on the sidewalk. Probably snapped off in a stiff breeze.
“Okay, move over, Cindy Cries-a-Lot. The rest of us want a gander at our girl’s rock.”
Along with Aurora and Farah, Poppy, Shane, Deva, and Lyric had come for this not-so-surprise visit. They took turns oohing and aahing over the beautiful ring Gage had given me before making themselves comfortable, seating themselves on the couch and chairs in front of my desk, clearly settling in for the long haul.
I let out a breath, leaning my hips back against the ledge of my desk and crossing my arms over my chest, ready to get this show on the road. “Okay, ladies. Hit me with it. I know you’re dying to ask a million questions.” I held my hands up to silence them when they all started talking at once. “Jeez, take a breath. How about we do this one at a time, huh?”
Aurora’s hand shot up in the air. “Me first!”
Something told me I was going to regret that. I pulled in a breath, hesitating for a beat before giving in. “Okay.”
“What’s his dick look like.”
Yep. Knew it.
I looked around at the other ladies. “Next.”
Poppy asked the first legitimate question. “How did this happen? Don’t get me wrong, I’m freaking thrilled. But the last you told me, told any of us I think, was that you and Gage were just friends and that was all you’d ever be.”
“Yeah, what Poppy said,” Shane echoed. “What made you guys finally pull your heads out of your asses?”
It wasn’t like I hadn’t been expecting that question. But in that moment, I was pissed at myself—and Gage, because why not—for not sitting down yesterday after ring shopping so we could get our stories straight.
I stalled by taking a long, slow gulp of the coffee I’d managed to make in the breakroom before this probing began. “I don’t know how to explain it.” No truer words had ever been spoken. I wasfloundering. “It just sort of happened.”
Jeez, talk aboutlame!
I lifted my shoulders and smiled, trying my best to come off dreamy-eyed and newly in love. “It just happened naturally. It’s like you guys have been saying for years. We fit.”
I held my breath, hoping my vague-ass answer would be enough to placate my nosey yet well-intentioned group of friends. It took so long my lungs began to burn and my face started getting hot. I feared I might actually pass out.
Fortunately, Deva broke the silence with a happy little squeal! “I knew it! I knew all it would take was you guys waking up one day and realizing you were perfect for each other. I’m so happy for you.”
Annnnd there’s that guilt again.
I forced my smile even though my cheeks felt stiff and brittle. Keeping up this ruse was going to be so much harder than I’d anticipated. But I kept telling myself it was for Gage.
It was for Gage.
Besides, it wasn’t like this was the kind of lie that could hurt anyone. When all was said and done, our friends would be none the wiser when we inevitably faked our breakup.
It was on that thought—especially the part about breaking up—that my stomach twisted. I forced the discomfort down and faked it best I could.
“Thanks, babe. I really appreciate that.”
Farah spoke next. “Well, since you’ve been out of pocket the past couple days since this all went down, I took it upon myself to start planning your engagement party.”
My eyes went wide. “Uh, you really didn’t need to do that.” My palms grew clammy and I had to rub them on the front of my black cigarette pants to get them dry. “Gage and I weren’t looking to do anything special.”
She waved me off, and alarm bells started to go off inside my skull, alerting me that shit was about to hit the fan. “Of course it was. Awesome news like this deserves a party.”
“And you know how much she loves throwing parties,” Poppy tacked on, not helpingat all.
Farah pointed in her direction with a laugh. “Very true. Anyway, Cannon and I are hosting at our place—well, more likeI’mhosting it and he’s planning to come downstairs once everyone starts arriving. You know, since the Victorian is big enough to host everyone who’s been invited.”
Those bells turned into full-blown sirens. “You’ve already sent out invites?”
Seeing the panic on my face and reading itverywrong, she leaned in to pat my hand reassuringly. “Don’t worry, I knew you wouldn’t want to celebrate a milestone like this without your parents, so I got their email from Jase. I’m just waiting to hear back.”