Page 42 of Sweet Spot
His answer was to lift a single brow. “Fortunately for you, you seem to have broken that streak with me.”
He winked, causing my cheeks to flood with heat I had to hide by burying my face in the comforter. All this man had to do to turn me on was breathe, for crying out loud.
“I’m not worried,” he announced seconds later as he continued to work the muscles in my back and shoulders loose.
“You aren’t?”
“Nope. As soon as your dad sees us together, he’ll see what you mean to me, and he’ll know he’s got nothing to worry about.”
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling like a lunatic, because this man kept getting better and better.
But as soon as that thought crossed my mind, another one popped up, casting a shadow on my light, happy mood.
What did it say about me that the only man who’d treated me halfway decent was the one I wasfakeengaged to?
Jesus Christ.Farah had really gone all out for this party. I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting when Wynn told me she had offered—insisted—to throw us an engagement party, but it sure as hell hadn’t beenthis.
She’d transformed their backyard with picnic tables, string lights, paper lanterns, and tables practically groaning under the weight of all the food. It wouldn’t surprise me if Redemption was a ghost town tonight, with everything shut down, because it looked like the entire goddamn town had turned out for the party.
Buck and Darla, the owners of Bad Alibi were kicked back, talking to my mom and Gran and Annabelle. Cannon’s dad, Banks, was on the outskirts of the yard with his crew of old-school biker buds, Scooter, Danno, and Fletch, cutting up over a couple beers.
Everyone we knew was here. Including Wynn’s mom and dad. They’d arrived earlier that day and checked in at the Inn before heading over to see their girl. I’d always liked Greg and Annabelle, but the relationship had definitely changed from when I was simply Wynn’s friend to now. At least with her old man.
Her mom had been as pleasant as always, pulling me in for a hug and kiss on the cheek before rushing to her girl. The two of them embraced and squealed like best friends from high school. Then Wynn had shown her mom the ring, and Annabelle nearly lost it.
Greg, on the other hand, had spent his entire time in Redemption scowling at me from a distance, like he was silently contemplating the best way to murder me and dispose of my body so it would never be found.
“How you holding up, man?” Cannon asked as he stopped at my side, lifting the beer bottle he was holding so I could clink mine against it.
“I’m great. A little surprised by all this.” I waved my arm out to encompass the backyard. “But otherwise pretty damn great.”
He let out a chuckle as he shook his head. “That’s my woman for you. She gets it in her head she wants to do something, it’s balls to the wall. Especially when she wants to have a party.” He took a swig of his beer. “I’ve learned to let her do her thing and stay the hell out of the way.”
I grinned, my chest feeling light because I suddenly got it, got where he was coming from. After years of insisting I didn’t want what he or any of my other friends had, I looked at Wynn and I justgot it. If there was something she really wanted to do, something she was passionate about, I would gladly sit back and let her do it. It was why I currently had a fruit bowl that looked like an ashtray sitting on my kitchen island with a bunch of bananas in it and a painting of a dog that looks like a turd hanging in my office. Her attempts at anything artistic were, well, horrifying, but they were hers, so I displayed them proudly.
“I get that, man.”
He turned to look at me, one corner of his mouth kicking upward. “I see you do. And I’m damn happy for you, brother.” His gaze cast over my shoulder and that smirk stretched into a full grin. “Incoming. Future father-in-law coming up on your six.”
Ah fuck.
“I’ll leave you to it,” he said as he started backing away.
“Fucking coward,” I grumbled under my breath.
He saluted me with his beer bottle and let out a bark of laughter. “Damn straight. May the odds be ever in your favor, man.”
With that, he took off and Greg took his place only seconds later.
“Gage,” he greeted on grunt and a tip of his chin.
I returned the gesture. “Greg. Wynn and I are really glad you and Annabelle were able to make it to town. I know Wynn’s been missing you guys something fierce.”
He looked out across the expansive backyard, taking in the partygoers before finally settling on his daughter who was standing with Farah, Poppy, Lark, and Willow. His expression went soft as she threw her head back on a laugh, that melodic sound carrying across the yard like tinkling wind chimes.