Page 53 of Sweet Spot
“Aw, babe.” He reached out, taking me by my hips and guiding me to stand between his spread legs. I placed my hands on his shoulders as he ran his up and down my ribs, his touch soothing as always. “I’m sorry you had a rough day. What can I do to make it better?”
God, he really was something else. Unable to help myself, I bent forward and brushed my lips across his, teasing him a bit before I sealed my mouth over his and dragged my tongue across the seam of his lips, silently requesting entrance. He didn’t make me wait, opening for me as he fisted my hair to hold me to him as he took the kiss deeper. Like always, the moment our lips touched, I grew wet and needy. I couldn’t seem to get enough of him. I’d had more sex in the past few days that I had inyears, and it still wasn’t enough. If anything, it made my craving for him that much stronger.
He blinked up at me when I broke the kiss, needing to pull air into my lungs. “I wasn’t exactly thinking that when I asked what I could do, but if that’s where your mind is going, I’m more than game, baby.”
I let out a laugh just as a sharp, high pitched bark came from the bathroom.
Gage’s head jerked in that direction. “What was that?”
Ah hell. “What was what?”
He looked back at me, brows raised in confusion. “You didn’t hear that? It sounded like a bark.”
I’d already opted for playing dumb, might as well lean into it. “Huh. That’s weird. Nope, I didn’t hear anything.”
The damn dog barked again, as if it was calling me a liar.
Gage narrowed his eyes at me as he rose to his feet, keeping me locked in his hold. “Now Iknowyou heard that.”
“Um...” I curled my lips between my teeth and tangled my fingers together. “So, you know how you asked how you could make my rough day better? I think I might have an idea.”
He stomped to the bathroom door and threw it open. As soon as there was enough clearance, the little demon dog came rushing out like his tail was on fire. His attention darted between me and Gage like he couldn’t decide who he wanted to give all his attention to. He finally settled on Gage and loped over to him, rising up on his hind legs so he could scratch at Gage’s pants as he barked, begging for attention.
Gage’s head slowly lifted, one brow cocked as he gave me a look I could only describe as scolding.
I held my hands up in surrender. “Okay, before you get mad, I can explain.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, his biceps bulging, testing the limits of his sleeves. He ignored the puppy who gave up on him and moved over to me. I bent down and scooped him up, snuggling into his soft fur as he tried to eat my ear off. “Oh, I can’t wait to hear this. Please, explain.”
“Well, um...” I fiddled with the sleeves of my blouse. “You see, I was having a really emotional day. Like I said. I was on my way home and stopped for gas, and there was this guy there, giving away all these puppies.”
“Ah hell.”
“Anyway, I happened to look over there, and this little guy spotted me and nearly jumped right out of the back of the truck.” I hefted him higher in my arms and stuck my bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout. “How could I deny this wittle face?”
Gage’s eyes rolled, but I didn’t miss the way the corners of his mouth wobbled as he struggled to keep from grinning.
I was getting to him. I brought the pup up in front of my face and adopted a really bad Oliver Twist voice. “Please, Daddy, can I stay?”
“Jesus,” he said on a grunted chuckle.
“I promise I’ll be good. Pretty please?”
Gage took the dog from my arms and brought him up to get a better look. “What kind of dog is he supposed to be?”
“Uh, no one really knows. He’s your classic mutt.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “He’s not a bad-looking mutt. What’s his name?”
I smiled wide, knowing I’d won him over. “I haven’t decided yet. I thought that was something we could do together.”
His gaze jerked around to me, his eyes taking on the darkness that always happened right before he was about to pounce on me like I was his next meal. “You want my input?”
I suddenly understood why he liked that so much. This was something we could do together, and he really loved that. “Of course I do,” I answered quietly.
He didn’t bother giving any name suggestions, but put the little guy on the ground, looped an arm around my waist, and pulled me into him for a scorching kiss.
I blinked hazy eyes when he pulled back several seconds later. “I take it you’re okay with me keeping the puppy?”