Page 57 of Sweet Spot
“Like you hung the moon and stars, babe. Like making you happy is the very reason he was put on this earth.” Her hand squeezed mine tight as a single tear broke free and slipped down my cheek. “It’s how he’s looked at you every single day for the past three years, and it’s only gotten more intense since he slid that ring on your finger.”
I lifted my left hand off the table, tilting it from side to side so the sunlight coming through the window caught on the stones. I thought back to the moment the jeweler placed the tray with my ring in front of him. I’d been gobsmacked, unable to say a word, but Gage knew. He knew this wasthe oneand he didn’t hesitate to buy it, even when the price tag gave me heart palpitations.
My phone rang again, the loud, shrill chime sounding almost insistent.
Poppy’s gaze darted from the phone to me and back again. I could see in her eyes she wanted to say something, but she curled her lips between her teeth to stop herself. We remained silent for a minute that felt like it stretched on for an eternity before she finally spoke again.
“Honey, the truth is, you’re not going to know the answer to all your questions unless you ask him.”
“But I did that once already,” I insisted. “I asked him what we were supposed to be, and he said we were whatever I wanted.” I threw my arms up in frustration as Gage’s second unanswered call was followed by another text. “What kind of bullshit copout answer is that?”
Poppy laughed like that was the funniest thing in the world. How she could laugh at that was beyond me, but she went at it until there were tears in her eyes and she was wheezing uncontrollably.
I sat across from her, my arms crossed over my chest as I glared daggers in her direction. “So glad I could amuse you,” I said dryly once she got ahold of herself.
“I’m not laughing at you,” she said on as giggle. “I’m laughing because that’s such amananswer.”
“Honey, that wasn’t a copout. I’d be willing to bet he thought that answer was a great one. He thought he was giving you what you wanted. If you could decide what you wanted the two of you to be, you’d be happy. He wasn’t trying to hurt you, Wynn. He’s just a dumb boy.” Her shoulders rose in a shrug. “They all are. I read somewhere it’s coded in their DNA to be dumbasses.”
I blinked. “You really think so?”
“Absolutely,” she answered, jerking her chin down at my phone. “But you know what you have to do if you want to be certain.”
Damn her, being all rational and wise.
I picked up the phone and tapped the screen, bringing it to life. There were two voicemails from Gage, but I scrolled to the texts first.
Viking:Baby, is something going on? Why aren’t you answering my calls?
Viking:I just talked to Jase. I know you aren’t at work. Where are you, Bits? I’m starting to freak out.
I looked up at Poppy and let out a breath as she nodded in encouragement.
My fingers flew across the screen as I typed.
Me:I’m at Poppy’s. I think we need to talk.
His response came instantly.
Viking:I’m on my way.
I’d beenat work for an hour when I realized I’d left my phone at home and headed back to grab it. When I walked in the house, Tornado was lying on the floor of the entryway tearing something to shreds.
“Christ,” I grunted the moment I saw him. The little demon dog had a fucking knack for destroying everything in his path. If I didn’t love Wynn so goddamn much, the little bastard would have been living outside. But the first time I’d made a comment alluding to that, she sucked in a gasp like I’d suggested we dump him in an alley and leave him to fend for himself or die. “Gage,” she’d breathed in affront, “you can’t leave him outside. That’s just cruel!” She’d picked up the damn dog and snuggled him to her chest. “It’s getting cold outside. He’ll freeze.”
I’d lifted a brow and crossed my arms. “It’s notthatcold, and his fur would prevent him from freezing.”
She’d skewered me with a look that had my balls drawing up into my body. She’d become completely irrational when it came to the mutt. Now he was lying on the floor devouring yet another non-edible item he’d taken from God knew where.
“What the hell did you get into this time?” I hit him with a stern look that had no effect whatsoever. Instead of feeling fear, he rolled over to his back, showing me his rounded belly, the cloth item still between his jaws and flopped over his snout.
“You might have your momma fooled, but I don’t think you’re cute.” Okay, that was a lie. He was a pain in the ass all day every day, but the little fucker was still cute as hell.