Page 34 of A Valentino Reunion
Could have fooled me. The kid has murder written all over his face.
“Don’t worry, Lorenzo, I’ll help you bury the body.”Thiscomes from Orlando—the one I’d least expect to pipe up.
“Thanks, coz. Appreciate the support,” Lorenzo says while glaring at Enzo and Dante.
“I’ll help with the killing,” Aurora offers.
“No you fucking won’t,” Matteo growls.
“Okay, jeez, it was just a joke.” Aurora holds up her hands in surrender. “Mostly,” she whispers under her breath.
Once the shitshow that is every one of our family dinners is over, I head back to my room with Livvy in tow. I pull out my phone from my pocket and send Luca a quick message.
You good?
I set my phone on the bedside table, peering up to see my wife glaring back at me. “I think you all should ease up on Aurora, Romeo. She’s a good girl,” Livvy says.
“She reminds me of Izzy,” I tell her.
“Izzy? Your cousin, who’s a freaking amazing, loving, loyal person. Probably one of the best friends to have in your corner. That Izzy? The one family member who will never hesitate to come and help out with whatever you need?That Izzy?” Livvy asks me.
“Well, when you put it like that, it makes my argument sound stupid. But, yes, that Izzy,” I say.
“Aurora is a Valentino. She’s going to be okay. And you do know the more you boys push her down, the more she’s going to just rebel and fight back harder.”
“Tilly never did,” I counter.
“Tilly is a different child, and I’m sure there are plenty of things Tilly has done that you wouldn’t approve of if you knew she did them.”
“Take that back. My daughter is fucking perfect, Livvy. She has all of your good parts in her.”
My wife shakes her head and disappears into the bathroom. I refuse to believe my daughter has done anything I wouldn’t approve of. Like I said, that girl is perfect… just like her mother.
They weren’t supposed to be here until next week. Lucy McKinley, my mom’s business partner and friend, just pulled up in the driveway. She’s not alone though. I’m standing on the balcony, watching all the bodies pile out of the car. If I knew ahead of time, this would have been a great spot to position my sniper scope… even better to take a shot. There’s no way I’d miss the bastard from this distance.
I came to the house to plant some cameras and microphones around. I want to know who this new boyfriend of Kyla’s is, what he’s like, his weaknesses…
Her father, Dominic, comes into view first, followed by her mother and then the woman herself, Kyla McKinley, the object of my obsession. I hold my breath, waiting to get a glimpse of the asshole who is number one on my shit list. Except there’s no guy, just another girl. About the same age as Kyla. No one else, no boyfriend.
Did she say she was bringing him to piss me off?To put me off?
I have no idea but I’m going to find out.
Turning around, I pack up the rest of my tech and throw it all into my bag. I then walk into the closet, climb up to the ceiling, move the discreet panel aside, and throw my bag up there before covering it again and jumping back down. Dusting off my clothes, I walk out of the bedroom and down the stairs, getting to the bottom step at the same time the door opens and the McKinleys and their plus-one walk inside.
“Oh my gosh, Lorenzo, you scared me,” Lucy says. “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”
Kyla’s “psychotic father” glares at me. If looks could actually kill, I think I’d be fed to his pigs right about now. I refuse to let him intimidate me, though. I’m fucking Lorenzo Valentino. I do not back down. Ever.
“Mrs. McKinley, Ma sent me over to make sure everything was in order. I’ve checked in with security and had the staff stock the fridge and pantries for you.” I smile as I hug my mother’s friend.