Page 37 of A Valentino Reunion
“You don’t need to thank me,” he says. This is what my brother does. He fixes shit. This is why he’s going to make one hell of a Don.
The doors swing open and a doctor walks out. I guide Savvy in that direction. “How is he, Doc?” I ask the older man.
“He’s awake, in a fair bit of pain but refusing to take anything for it. He’s trying to discharge himself,” the doctor says.
“Like fuck he is. He’s not leaving this hospital yet. Where is he?” I glance over the doctor’s shoulder as if I can narrow down the room number just by looking for it.
“Follow me. I’d like to keep him overnight, just to be sure there’s no hidden internal damage, but everything besides the broken ribs appears to be superficial,” the doctor tells us.
“Dad, can we come?” Aurora asks me, and I nod.
“Come on.”
“We should limit the number of visitors to his room,” the doctor says.
“They’re not visitors. They’re his fucking family,” I tell him. “Now, lead the way, Doc.” I’m not in the mood to be toldnoright now.
We follow the doctor into the room, where we find Lorenzo sitting up on the bed, his legs hanging off one side. He’s arguing with the nurse. “I’m not staying,” he says.
“Yes, you are. Now, lay your ass down, Lorenzo, and let the nurse do her job,” Savvy tells him, using her no-nonsense mom voice.
“Ma, I have to go. I have to…” He shuts his mouth and flares his nostrils.
“She’s in the waiting room. Lie down,” I say, already knowing why he wants to leave. He looks to me and then finally plops back down on the bed, wincing with the action.
“Shit, you need some pain meds,” Savvy says, holding his palm with one hand while the other runs through the hair at his forehead.
“I’m good, Ma, promise. It’s just a few scratches,” he tells her.
“And broken ribs,” Aurora adds.
“What the fuck were you doing? Do you have any idea how worried everyone was?”‘ Enzo grunts.
“Enzo, now is not the time,” I scold my other son.
“Nowisthe time. He wasn’t the one who had to watch Mom sob on your shoulder, because we thought the worst had happened.” Enzo sits on the chair in the opposite corner of the room.
“I’m sorry.” Lorenzo looks up at Savvy. “I didn’t see the car.”
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault,” Savvy tells him.
Me? I want to both hug and strangle him for making his mother so fucking upset. I never want to see my wife like that again.
“Take some pain meds, Lorenzo. It’ll help,” I say.
“I need my phone. Did anyone find my phone?” he asks, ignoring my comment altogether.
“It’s probably in the mangled car. You know, Nonno is going to be pissed when he finds out you totaled one of his Ferraris,” Aurora says, then adds, “This is way worse than anything I’ve ever done. But I am glad you are going to live to see another day.”
“Aurora, Enzo, go and tell Zio Theo to let the rest of the family know your brother’s fine,” I tell them. Once they leave the room, I turn back to Lorenzo. “What happened?”
“I didn’t see the car. I was looking at my phone.”
“That’s why you crashed?” Savvy slaps his shoulder, causing Lorenzo to wince again.
“Sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” he says.
“I told you this girl was going to be the end of you. You should have listened to me,” I remind him.