Page 4 of A Valentino Reunion
“Pack your bags, princess. We’re going to Italy for a month—and, no, Travis isn’t invited,” I yell after my daughter. It’s not the first time I’ve pulled a gun on one of her boyfriends. He’s lasted three months, though, which is the longest out of any of them.
“You really need to stop. She’s an adult. You know what I was doing at twenty-five? You.” Maddie smirks.
“That’s different,” I tell her.
“You’re not my daughter. Although I’ll let you call meDaddyif you want to.” I run my eyes up and down her body.
“Maybe, but first go talk to your actual daughter before she does pack up and move out.” Maddie lifts an arm and points down the hall.
I groan and remove my jacket. “Why couldn’t she just like girls? Life would be so much easier if she just liked girls,” I mumble to myself. Grabbing Maddie’s face in my hands, I bring my lips down on hers. “I’ll be right back,” I tell her before pulling away with a sigh.
Iwatch my wife make my mother’s pasta sauce recipe while doing my best to go along with the wholeeverything is finepersona I’ve been forced to adopt.
Holly has no idea that I know. When she came to me the other day, telling me about a family trip to Italy for a month, I knew something was off with her. It didn’t take much investigating to find out what that something was.
What I can’t understand is why she’s keeping it from me and when exactly she plans on telling me. I already have a team of people looking for a solution. Anything to make sure my family isn’t torn apart.
For now, I’ll wait until my wife decides to open up. Still, it’s fucking hard to sit here and pretend that I’m okay, that I’m not finally paying the price for the endless sins I’ve committed. I haven’t taken our life together for granted for one fucking day, knowing I was on borrowed time. That a man like me would never truly get to keep everything that I have.
The perfect wife, four amazing sons—well, most of the time they’re amazing—and eight grandchildren.
“Dolcezza, come here a sec,” I call out to Holly.
She turns the stove down before maneuvering around the counter and stepping up to me. “What’s up?” she asks, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.
“How is it possible that you get more beautiful every fucking day?” I question her, honestly wondering how after all these years together, she still manages to make my heart skip a beat.
“T, if this is your way of trying to get into my panties, now really isn’t a good time. Everyone will be in soon,” she says.
“Well, it wasn’t but now that you’ve mentioned it, I’d very much love to get into those panties.” I smirk, which has my wife throwing her head back and laughing. “No, dolcezza, I think it’s time. I’m going to hand the business over to Theo,” I tell her.
Holly gasps, her hands covering her mouth. “Why? Why now?”
“He’s ready, and I’ve been doing this shit a really fucking long time. I’m tired. I want to enjoy the years we have left together. Retirement with you was always the end goal, dolcezza. We can do anything we want, go anywhere we want,” I tell her.
“I have everything I’ve ever wanted right here. Because you’ve already given it to me, T,” she says before adding, “Do you really think he’s ready?”
“That kid was born ready, dolcezza.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“I’ll tell them tonight.” I cup her face in mine and fuse my lips against hers.
“Let’s at least try to get through dinner first,” Holly says, stepping back from my embrace.
“Oh, what did Aurora do last week at the club?” she calls out as she makes her way to the stove.
“What do you mean?”
“Theo said they had to pay some club a hundred grand in damages because Matteo’s children decided to destroy it in a fight—apparently Aurora started it.”
“Of course, she did. I swear that girl is too much like her father. I really wish she would have gotten Savvy’s personality instead,” I grunt. “This is the first I’ve heard of it.”