Page 42 of A Valentino Reunion
“Valentino men don’t know how to let go of control. That’s why,” I tell her.
“Oh, well, there’s still plenty of wine. Come on, Nonna, let’s taste all of them.” Aurora links her arm with mine as we follow the waitress to a long table in the center of the room.
I take my seat and look over to each of the faces surrounding me. Most of the important women in my life are at this table. It’d be complete if my Australian family were here too. Thinking of my sister brings a sudden wave of sadness over me.
“Nonna, what’s wrong?” Liliana whispers. She’s seated to my immediate left.
“Nothing, sweetheart. I was just thinking about how nice this is. We don’t do this enough,” I tell her.
Her eyes move over my face. “Are you sure? You look really sad.”
“I’m not sad. Tell me about this Travis guy I keep hearing your father complain about.” This has Liliana’s face lighting up.
Oh, she really likes this boy.
“He’s so perfect, Nonna. You’re going to love him. I should take you to one of his games when we’re back in New York.”
“Or you could just bring him to Sunday dinner,” I suggest.
“And subject him to Dad and all my uncles and Nonno? No thanks. I’m trying to keep this one around, not scare him away. It’s bad enough Dad puts a gun in his face every chance he gets.”
“If he’s the right person for you, he won’t scare off so easily,” I tell her.
“She’s right, Liliana. Besides, if he’s lasted this long, he’s not going anywhere,” Maddie says to her daughter.
“Well, he might be. He might be getting traded to Vancouver,” Liliana says.
“Vancouver, as in Canada?” Maddie asks.
“Uh-huh, that’s the one,” Liliana confirms with a nod.
“Well, when you decide you’re going with him, make sure there are at least five other men from our family to hold your father down and stop him fromactuallykilling Travis,” Maddie groans.
The sommelier appears and introduces himself, and then goes on to tell us about the first wine we will be tasting today. It’s a deep red. I tune out the rest of his words when he starts talking about the history of the vineyard and the combination of flavors, but I do appreciate how good this wine is.
Sometimes having the whole family together, in one house, isn’t the dream my mother believes it to be. Over the years, our little family has grown. A fucking lot. Don’t get me wrong, I love the shit out of all of them. But, fuck, can they get on my nerves. Which is why I’m using my daughter as my “get out of Valentino hell” card today.
Tilly loves Italy, and we have our own little tradition every time we visit. We stop for gelato in Rome. Just the two of us. This trip isn’t any different.
“Tilly, the chopper’s going to be ready in ten,” I call through her open bedroom door.
“I’ll be fifteen minutes, Dad,” she yells back.
Everything is a negotiation with this girl. Always has been. I remember when she was little, and she’d argue her curfew down to the seconds.
“Ten. Come on, Tilly, I need to get the fuck out of this house for a few hours,” I counter. I hear a clang. Then, with a dramatic sigh, she walks out of her bathroom. “You look beautiful,” I tell her.
“You say that every day.” She rolls her eyes.
“That’s because every day it’s true. Come on, let’s escape these heathens for as long as we can.” I grab her hand and tug her out the door.
We land on a rooftop a short ride later and make our way down to a lot, where I have a car waiting for us. It only takes fifteen minutes to drive into the city, then another twenty to find a fucking parking spot. I swear Rome gets more and more crowded every time we visit.
“I hope you’re ready to eat your weight’s worth in gelato,” I tell Tilly, getting out of the car.
She meets me on the sidewalk. “I was born ready.” She beams up at me.