Page 49 of A Valentino Reunion
“You’re not the boss yet, Theo. Why the fuck would I stay behind?”
“Because Ma needs you more than we do right now,” I say. He squints his eyes at me. He knows I know something isn’t right with my mother.
“You know, T, the boys have this. Come on, I’d much rather be kicking my feet up and drinking Cinque whiskey than running around in this fucking heat anyway,” Zio Neo says.
“You sure?” My father looks to me.
“Pops, go. Take the girls inside,” I tell him, and then turn to face my nephew. “Don’t leave this house, and make sure all your cousins stay inside.”
He nods his head and walks towards the door, still hand in hand with fucking Kyla McKinley. Dominic is not a person I want to have to deal with today, but I know I’m going to have to stop him from killing my nephew as soon as he finds out about this.
Once we’re on the chopper, I turn to Matteo. “You know Dominic is not going to take that well,” I say, gesturing a thumb over my shoulder towards the door Lorenzo and Kyla just walked through.
“I know. I told him. But he’s fucking stubborn,” Matteo says, then adds, “Must get that trait from his mother.”
Luca and I both chuckle. “Sure, bro,” Luca says.
We land on top of a building in Rome and make our way to where Romeo is waiting for us. He’s standing across from the building that is now swarming with Italian coppers.
“What happened?” I ask him.
“Black SUV rolled up, shot the place up. I saw 'em coming and knocked Tilly to the ground,” he says. “Luigi, the owner, wasn’t so lucky.”
“You think they were after him or you?”
“My money’s on Luigi, but whoever it is will have to deal with me now,” he says.
I look across the street and spot a detective I recognize. It’s been years since I’ve seen him. “Matteo, come with me. You two wait here,” I tell Romeo and Luca.
“You know, I think this whole boss thing is going to your head already, bro. You ain’t got that ring yet,” Matteo says, stepping up next to me as we cross the road.
Ignoring him, I walk up to the detective. I know he’s on my grandfather’s payroll. Fuck, most of the cops in this country are. “Giuseppe,” I greet him.
“Fuck. Tell me this ain’t Valentino shit here,” he curses as he shakes my hand.
“No idea. I was hoping you could tell me. You got anything on the shooter?”
“Why?” Guiseppe asks me.
“Because my brother and my fucking niece were in that shop when some asshole decided to open fire. So, again, what do you know about it?” I tell him, my voice firm with the unveiled threat of what will happen if he tries to fuck me over on this.
Guiseppe looks around. Everyone is going about whatever business they’re doing, not paying an ounce of attention to us. “Okay, the guy on the ground, name’s Luigi. He owed a debt to the Gobbi family.”
“Who the fuck is the Gobbi family?” I ask him.
“They’re new in town, trying to climb up,” he tells me.
“And where exactly would I find these Gobbis… if I were looking for them, that is?”
Guiseppe writes something down on his notepad and then tears off the page. “This is their home address. There’re three of them and probably about twenty soldiers from what I’ve gathered.”
“That’s a small operation,” I say more to myself.
“Like I said, they’retryingto come up.”
“Thanks.” I tuck the paper into my pocket after memorizing the address.
Walking back across the road, I pull out my phone and message one of the capos we have here in Rome, telling him to be ready for us.