Page 20 of The Crown's Shadow
“I am, Father.” Kallie sat up straighter, and beneath the table, she ran a shaking hand along the top of her skirt. “I’m only surprised.”
She picked up the vial, eyeing it.
To choose who was to die and who was to live had never been the kind of decision she wished to make. Although, was it that much different from if her father had given her a name himself? Either way, she would have had to deliver the poison. Either way, someone would die. Still, how would she decide who lived and who died? She was not a god.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Domitius studying her. A satisfied glint sparking in his eyes. At that moment, she saw this for what it was: a test. A test to see if Kallie was still loyal to him.
She had learned early in her life that backing down was not an option when her father gave her an assignment.
So, with a flourish and a feigned smirk, Kallie pocketed the vial inside the front of her corset. “I am thankful for the opportunity, Father.” Her voice was steady, yet her head ached.
“There is no room for hesitation when one is in a position of power. And this,” his gaze fell to where Kallie had hidden the vial, “is only your first taste of it.” Standing, Domitius brushed the new wrinkles from his trousers and strode toward the door.
Kallie sunk back into her chair, the tension in her body releasing an inch. She exhaled a quiet sigh.
When Domitius reached the door, he braced a firm hand on the doorframe, stopping. “And Kalisandre?”
“Yes, Father?” Kallie asked, squinting against the ringing in her ear.
“While I may be returning to Ardentol, I have eyes and ears everywhere.”
Kallie had always known that he had spies throughout Vaneria. During advisory meetings, she had heard the various pieces of information the spies had sent to him, the findings they had discovered—sometimes trivial, other times monumental, such as the Pontians’ plan to abduct Kallie. They spied on lords raising a fuss, nearby kingdoms, and their allies to ensure they were not planning against them. But never her. Never Kallie.
Not until now.
Domitius dropped his hand to the doorknob and cocked his head to the side. He brushed the fallen curl away from his face. “Do not give me a reason to doubt you again.”
She had no intentions of betraying him, yet his words still struck a chord.
“I would never betray you, Father.”
“Yet I have reminded you, nevertheless.” His knuckles blanched as he gripped the handle. “Be careful who you trust in this palace. No one knows about your gift.” He swept a critical gaze over her. “Best keep it that way.”
Domitius turned the doorknob and pushed the door open, disappearing into the dimly lit hall before Kallie had a chance to respond.
In his wake, the scent of whiskey coated the air as the cold vial of poison lay against her sternum.
Maybe her father was right; perhaps she was too soft-hearted. This decision would have been easier if she cared less about the lives of innocents. Kings had killed for worse before. But did she want to be the kind of ruler who killed without reason?
Still, didn’t Tessa say that it was a ruler’s job to protect a kingdom’s secrets? If the Frenzians were getting too close to discovering the truth about Lothian’s death, that Domitius played a part, shouldn’t Kallie be willing to do anything to protect him? Protect her kingdom?
Did she have a choice?
Lystrata looked pointedly at Kallie,waiting for a response. Kallie, however, had not heard a word the housekeeper had said, for her mind was elsewhere.
Domitius had left two days ago, yet Kallie couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her.
To make matters worse, Kallie hadn’t had any time to figure out how she would accomplish her father’s new assignment. Since her father had left, the housekeeper had kept Kallie busy. Apparently, Myra’s doing, for according to her friend, the Frenzians were behind on wedding arrangements—something Lystrata had blamed on the efforts to rescue Kallie. Kallie wondered if Tessa’s apparent disinterest in the wedding was a factor. Even still, when Myra set her mind to something, there was no stopping her. The staff raced about, inside and outside the castle, to ensure that the wedding went smoothly. Still, how was Kallie supposed to plan a wedding representing her and Rian’s relationship when she didn’t even know the man?
Busy or not, one would think a new king would make his presence known in the castle. Since arriving, Kallie had met dozens of staff members, guards, and prominent men and women who visited. There were so many new faces, yet the one she wished to see remained hidden. If Kallie didn’t know better, she would have guessed the Frenzian castle was larger than it was. How could a king remain unseen for days?
She had commanded servants to retrieve him. Yet every time they returned, they came back alone, providing some excuse on behalf of the king. Her ability was useless if she couldn’t access the source. Other than late in the night, Kallie didn’t have time to hunt him down. Based on how Rian had spent his evening when she had arrived, Kallie wasn’t too eager to meet her betrothed when he was in bed with someone else. And despite her efforts, she had no luck finding the person who occupied his nights.
During the day, Kallie was too preoccupied with wedding arrangements. Today’s planning session was no more than a trivial reason to keep Kallie busy. Did they think Kallie would not see through their tricks? Their tactics? Tessa could not keep Kallie separated from Rian forever. One way or another, Kallie would find a way to win his heart.