Page 72 of The Crown's Shadow
Kallie gaspedas her book smacked into her chest, the pages crumbling against her bosom. With a groan and an annoyed step backward, she peeled the book away from her body. Her brows knitted together as she spread her fingers against the pages in a dismal attempt to flatten them.
“By the gods! Watch where you’re—” Kallie stopped mid-sentence as a pair of warm brown eyes stared back at her. Her shoulders dropped, and she brushed her hair behind her ear. “Oh, Rian. It’s you.”
“Last time I checked,” Rian said with an awkward grin while he rubbed a hand against his chest where the book had smacked him.
Kallie tilted her head to the side. “Was that a joke, Your Majesty?”
“If you have to ask, it wasn’t a very good one.”
Rian’s sleeves were rolled up, highlighting the muscles in his biceps that Kallie hadn’t known existed. She couldn’t help but admire the veins in his forearms that were on full display. His tailored suits always hid his body. She knew he was lean, but she didn’t know muscles hid beneath the expensive fabric. In his other hand, his black suit jacket had been thrown neatly over his arm. But that was the only clean piece of clothing on the king. Scuff marks stained his shirt; dirt was smeared across his face. His hair was pointing in different directions and was coated in mud. The sight made Kallie’s face contort with concern.
Kallie reached out, her fingers brushing the faint tint of red at the collar. Was that blood?
“Who did this to you?”
Rian offered her a shaky smile. “Are you worried about me, Kalisandre?”
Kallie brushed off a patch of dirt on his shirt and ignored the sharp inhale he took when she touched him. “You are my betrothed. Of course, I am worried about you. I can’t have you dying on me before we even get a chance to say our vows,” she said playfully.
“Ah, so the truth comes out then? You truly are just marrying me for my crown,” Rian said with an amused grin.
Is that what Tessa has told him?
Kallie chuckled, shaking off the paranoia. “Of course not.”
She leaned toward him. “I’m marrying you for that library of yours.”
Rian burst into laughter. And just like that, the tension from a couple of days ago dissipated along with the pang of paranoia.
She joined in the laughter.
Rian would believe anything Kallie said.
Her laughter died when she returned her attention to the patch of blood on his collar. “What happened, Rian?
He huffed, lightly swatting her hand away. “It was just a little training practice.”
“This”—Kallie straightened his collar—“was from training?”
Rian shrugged.
Kallie gritted her teeth and began to turn around, saying, “When I see Laurince—”
But Rian grabbed her hand and stopped her before she was able to get away. “It wasn’t Laurince.”
A pair of servants walked by, their footsteps light and hurried. They sent cursory glances in Kallie and Rian’s direction. Rian gave them a polite nod, and Kallie offered a small smile.
They bowed as they passed, then disappeared down the hall.
“Then who?” Kallie asked, staring up at him.
Rian looked down the hall behind Kallie and took a step back. “Sebastian.”
“Yourbrotherdid this to you?” Kallie asked.