Page 89 of The Crown's Shadow
Graeson’s gaze bounced between the Tetrian women across the fire. Their gazes were flat, their expressions solemn. Ellie was not lying. She knew.
They all knew.
“How?” Graeson asked.
“Graeson!” Dani hissed, slapping him in the side.
Graeson ignored her, his attention on the Tetrians. If they knew, there was no point in pretending.
“You have your secrets, and we have ours,” Medenia said, her voice quiet, but an eeriness coated her usually sweet tone.
“How many?” he asked.
“How many know?” Medenia asked, and Graeson nodded. “Only those who need to. Your secret has been safe with the royal family and their closest advisors for centuries. It will not come out now.”
Graeson nodded and threw another log in the fire.
Before he knew it, Armen was dragging Graeson to his feet and away from the fire.
Graeson threw Armen’s arm off and shoved him in the chest. Armen stumbled backward, face flush with anger.
“Armen, what the—”
“That’s it?” Armen asked. “You’re just going to take their word for it?”
Graeson blinked. “Yes, yes, I am.”
“You are breaking our code!” Armen spat.
“Yes! Our entire kingdom’s safety is at risk right now!” Armen hissed.
Graeson sneered. “And what do you expect me to do?”
Armen’s gaze flicked to the fire behind Graeson. His jaw flexed. “We need to kill them.”
Graeson snorted. “Nowthat’sfucking ridiculous.”
“Is it?”
“This conversation isover,Armen. They are ourallies.”
“No,” Graeson growled.
“Domitius may have been wrong about many things, but he was right about others.”
Graeson stepped forward. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Armen’s lip curled as he tipped his chin up.
“Armen,” Terin said, having joined them. “Go cool off. We will deal with this later.”
Gaze flicking between Terin and Graeson, Armen finally stormed away with an annoyed huff.
Dani joined them as Armen disappeared into one of the tents.