Page 94 of The Crown's Shadow
Jaw tense, Graeson shoved the voice back.
The guard held it out, hilt to Graeson. “Fine blade.”
“It does the job,” Graeson said, struggling to pull back the venom on his tongue.
Graeson returned his scimitars to their holsters on his back as the guard finished his inspection of their belongings.
Graeson was keenly aware of the fact that the man’s gaze didn’t linger on his scar. Emmett, it seemed, was already proving useful.
Handing Dani her throwing knives, the guard turned to them. “By the king’s orders, weapons are not permitted on the castle’s premises outside your designated guest house.”
“But Princess Medenia—” Ellie began.
“No exceptions,” the guard said, interrupting her.
Medenia stepped forward, hands clasped in front of her stomach and a sweet smile plastered on her face. “As to be expected. After all, this is a joyous occasion, is it not? Let us hope there is no need for anyone to draw a weapon for all of our benefits.”
The guard bowed. When he rose, he cast a hand out. “If you will follow me, Princess, I will take you and your party to your accommodations.”
Medenia smiled, and they all followed.
Graeson and Dani picked up the tail of their group. As they made their way around other guests that had arrived, Dani leaned toward Graeson and mumbled, “Like I need a weapon to snap someone’s neck.”
Graeson snorted.
The silence between them resumed as they followed the Frenzian guard to a nearby guest house on the outskirts of the castle’s property.
That night, they went through the plan one more time. However, no amount of planning could have predicted the dominoes that would fall the next day.
Kallie straightenedthe dainty silver crown atop her head. It was the one piece she wore today that was Ardentolian made.
Even her dress had been stripped of its Ardentolian style today. For as long as Kallie could remember, she had always been dressed in blues and whites, the colors of the Ardentolian mountains. The only other time she hadn’t dawned on those colors of Ardentol was when she was masquerading as someone she wasn’t in Pontia.
For years, Kallie had been happy to represent her kingdom, to be the king’s diamond. But as she looked at herself in the mirror with the red satin dress slinking over her faint curves, Kallie couldn’t help but feel that those colors never belonged on her skin in the first place. She had been draped in fabrics of cerulean and snow-white to seem moldable. Appeasable. Painted to be the king’s daughter. Someone no one would suspect. Someone who could be controlled. The pearls and diamonds sewn into her Ardentolian dresses were meant to hide what lay beneath: the monster that resided within her. The manipulator and the seductress. Everything King Domitius had raised her to be, everything he had taught her to nurture while simultaneously keeping that side of her hidden beneath the facade of a naive princess. Until the moment she could shed her skin and reveal her true identity.
With the red fabric dripping down her body, for once, the outside matched the monster within.
The winning piece of the ensemble was the intricate piece hanging off her shoulders. An expertly crafted piece by the Frenzian jeweler that clasped around her shoulders. Strings of black diamonds dripped from the metal wiring that molded around her shoulders in the shape of armor.
By the end of the week, she would no longer be the Princess of Ardentol. She would be the Queen of Frenzia.
What would her father think if he was here tonight? Would he be proud of her?
“Ready, Kals?” Myra asked.
Dragging her gaze from the mirror, Kallie looked toward the entourage behind her and nodded.
The diamonds on her shoulders swung as she walked, hitting one another like rain falling onto a tin roof.With the flock of handmaidens and guards behind her, Kallie headed out of the queen’s rooms and toward the grand hall.
Kallie nodded to the various guards as she passed. Over the past few weeks, she had learned most of their names: Sansil, Syrus, Flinch, Rowland, and so many others. After the recent attack on the outskirts of Frenzia’s borders, the king and his advisors were taking no risks when it came to the castle’s safety. Every day, there were new guards, new names to memorize, and new faces to learn as the wedding approached. Armed men now stood guard around the clock as more and more guests arrived.
If only the guards could protect her from her dreams.
Remnants of last night’s dream were a flickering flame in the back of her mind. She tried to forget the feeling of Graeson’s touch against her cheek. She tried to snuff the flame out, but it kept coming back to life. Imaginary or not.