Page 26 of Stranded
My stomach churns. “Even though I was coming with my boyfriend?”
His eyes darken. “I told you what would have happened to him.”
It’s crazy that my pussy gets wetter at the reminder.
“And a few,” he continues, his gaze dropping to the presents under the tree, “I made myself.”
He reaches down and picks up a handful of gifts, their colorful wrappings glistening under the tree lights. He passes them to me, his eyes shining with anticipation.
I start unwrapping them. The first is a beautifully crafted lingerie set, its intricate lace design makes me hot. The next is a box containing a variety of sex toys, each more intriguing than the last. Maddox watches my reaction carefully, his eyes smoldering.
“These aren't just gifts,” he tells me, his voice low and intense. “They’re promises. Promises of the pleasure I intend to give you.” His words send shivers running down my spine, a mix of fear and excitement coiling in my stomach.
The next gift I unwrap reveals beautifully carved wooden items, their intricate details denoting extraordinary craftsmanship. Each piece, from a delicately carved pendant to a small, lifelike doe figurine, is a testimony to Maddox’s immense talent.
“You made these?” I ask.
He nods. “Yeah, if you didn’t realize, I’m pretty good with wood.”
I chuckle at that, and his eyes darken.
“What’s so funny, angel?”
I shrug. “Yeah, you’re very good with all types of wood.”
He shakes his head. “Such a dirty mind for such a pretty angel.”
I flash him a cheeky smile, my eyes twinkling with mischief. “And who’s to blame for that.”
He grins back at me, his eyes dancing with delight. “Guilty as charged, angel.”
“But seriously, these are amazing. Your talent is incredible.” I cradle the small wooden doe, marveling at its lifelike details.
“Thank you, Ivy,” Maddox replies, his gaze softening. He leans back, crossing his arms over his chest, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I’m glad you appreciate them. Most people don’t realize how much time and effort goes into woodwork.”
“Most people,” I reply confidently, “probably haven’t seen your work. Anyone who has wouldn’t be able to deny your talent.” I run my fingers over the smooth surface of the doe.
“I’m glad you like it. There’s a lot more where that came from.”
I raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? Should I expect a whole zoo made of wood?”
He laughs, sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach. “Maybe,” he replies. “You’ll just have to wait and see. Open this one.”
My brow furrows at the long, cylindrical shape. And when I open it, my mouth drops open. “Is this what I think it is?”
“An exact replica of my cock in wood, yes.” He chuckles. “A handmade dildo, so if we’re ever not together, you can always have me inside you.”
A flush heats my cheeks at his brazen statement, but an undeniable thrill sparks within me. There’s an elephant in the room that I’m too scared to address. He said if we’re ever not together. I can’t stay here forever, and he can’t come with me to New York because of his past. Very soon, we won’t be together. The magical spell this place has cast over us will have to end. It makes my heart ache, but I don’t want to think of that right now.
Instead, I focus on the heat flaring in my core and crawl onto his lap, moaning when I feel the hard press of his dick against my center. “Can I have the real thing inside me now?” I challenge, my voice husky with desire.
“Go and select one of the masks, and then I’ll consider having some fun with you.”
I arch a brow. “What kind of fun?”
“No questions.” He spanks my ass. “Do as you’re told, angel.”
I grab the Call of Duty ghost mask, which I’ve been dying for him to wear during sex and return.