Page 7 of Stranded
I throw the axe down and wipe the sweat from my brow, turning to return to my cabin. And I halt when I see Ivy standing there.
“Sorry to sneak up on you. I was wondering if you know any good hiking trails?”
I tilt my head. Was she hoping to find me jerking off again? If she was, then I’d happily give her a show like she gave me last night. “Hiking?”
“Yeah,” she murmurs, tugging at the sleeve of her parka. “Isn’t that what people do in Alaska?”
I laugh, but it comes out cold. “In the summer, sure. If you want to hike in the winter, you may as well take your body bag with you.”
Her cheeks flush, and she averts her gaze. “Right, so what is it people do up here?”
I can think of a few things I could do with her. There’s fuck all to do in winter. That’s just how it is. No doubt she envisioned a romantic getaway fucking her boyfriend on every surface of my cabin. She’s lucky they broke up, or I would have murdered him.
“Bored?” I ask.
She swallows hard. “A little, I guess.”
“You don’t go walking at all, understand?” I warn.
“Why?” she asks.
“Because it’s dangerous,” I say, my voice dropping. “Because you don’t know these woods like I do. They’re treacherous, full of wild animals and hidden pitfalls. One wrong step, and you might not return. Got it?”
Her eyes widen. “Okay, I understand.”
“And one more thing,” I add, moving closer. “Stay away from the windows at night, especially if you plan on putting on any more shows.”
She blushes furiously, but her eyes flash with defiance.
I step closer. “I’m not the only man who lives in these parts. And many of the men who live up here would devour you for breakfast and throw away the bones.” It’s a gruesome warning, but it’s the truth. I’m not much better, but she doesn’t need to know that.
“Do those men often wear ghost masks?” she asks, her eyes flashing.
I grind my teeth. “What are you saying?”
She draws in a deep breath. “Was that you at my window?”
I’m not ready to reveal anything yet. The build-up to the main event is part of the excitement. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now get inside.” I pin her with a glare. “It’s freezing cold, and you’re not dressed for this weather.”
Her eyes narrow. “And you are?” Her gaze dips to the tight t-shirt stretched across my chest.
“I’m cutting wood, so it keeps me warm.” I glare at her. “Inside now.”
“I didn’t realize you were my host and boss.”
What I’d give to beat her ass for being so fucking disobedient. “Now,” I growl.
She places her hands on her hips. “I don’t think I’ll stay here. Can you get a car to pick me up and take me to the airport tomorrow morning?”
Like hell, I can. Ivy's not going anywhere.
“No, the pass is snowed in. I told you it was a regular occurrence before you booked over email.” I tilt my head, wondering if she’ll detect my lie. “You’re stranded here with me until the new year at the earliest.”
Her eyes widen. “What about supplies? How will we—”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ve got enough rations to last both of us for months.”