Page 55 of Depraved Royals
“What?” I say, turning around.
I’ll take anything—any sign she understands.
“Congratulations. At least we know you have the balls for something. And leave your fucking key.”
I toss it onto the hallway rug, and I’m gone.
* * *
“No fucking way. Are youinsane?”
I pinch the bridge of my nose and blink, trying to stave off the headache that has been creeping in since I spoke to Vera.
“Dani, we have to get out of here,” I say. “I don’t know for sure, but I think my brother is gonna try and hurt you to get at me.”
“Why would he do that? What’s the problem? I thought you cut them all off.”
What could I say to make the truth seem less fucked up?
So first, I fucked you because I wanted to. Then it was my idea to burn down the gallery with you inside, destroying your work and risking your life so I could rescue you and earn a chance to get close to Fyodor. I was gonna kill him and become Pakhan, only to change my mind because I was wrong about so much. Now I don’t know what’s gonna happen, but because you’re everything to me, you’re in danger.
It doesn’t sound good, even in my head.
“I love you, Dani.”
She draws a sharp breath before frowning at me.
“That’s a low blow, Kal, to say it is when you’re forcing me to abandon the people I love. No. We’re staying.”
I’m exasperated and proud at the same time. She’s not taking any of my shit, and why should she? She’s right. I’m asking her to do something extreme without giving her the necessary information.
“Dani, I’m being nice now. But I am prepared to piss you off a lot more than this if it means keeping you safe.”
“You can’t just move me from place to place!” she cries. “I am a person and don’t belong to you.”
“Yes, you fuckingdo!” I yell back. I know it’s the wrong thing to say, but I’m not thinking straight.
I want to get her away from here. Or maybe I’m ruining her life. My mother doesn’t believe I can be anything other than the black-hearted, vengeful puppet she raised. Who’s to say she’s wrong?
Marta and Mel look from me to Dani and back again. Fyodor stands up and takes me aside.
“There’s something you’re not telling us,” he murmurs, “and wearegoing to talk about it. But not here.”
I look over his shoulder at Dani. She’s glaring at me.
Fyodor turns to his wife and daughters. I try to catch Dani’s eye, but she won’t look at me.
I have to come clean, or I’ll lose her.
“Kal and I are gonna take a drive, maybe get a drink,” Fyodor says. “I’ll leave Brutus guarding the gate. You’ll be fine.”
Fyodor and I leave the lounge and walk outside. Brutus is waiting for us, and Fyodor gives him a nod.
Brutus frisks me, patting down my body and reaching inside my jacket.
“Buy me a drink first, big guy,” I say.