Page 62 of Vicious Hearts
Momma always said I should hide away if I was gonna do these things, but where's the fun in that? At least it'll make a good story when it finally emerges who The Dollmaker really was. Of course, Momma's gonna be embarrassed when the whole grisly tale is told, but she shouldn't have played along if she couldn't take the heat.
Maybe then everything will just…sort itself out? Like in fairy tales, when all the evil magic is undone the moment the villain is vanquished.
Fairytales are closer to life than we think—all those evil stepmothers, heroic knights, and ladies fair. But let's not forget the sad, neglected, murdered children. There are so many stories where poor little souls get hurt. Hansel and Gretel. The Pied Piper. And, of course, those lonely princesses, beset by a curse and awaiting true love.
Roxanne has her champion. Without him around, I could get to her, but he's beyond my sphere of influence.
Sleeping Beauty and Snow White both effectively died in need of love, as she will. If their princes had any sense, they'd have left the girls to their slumber. Women are nothing but trouble.
Still. Weallhave to die sometime.
I still want to meet Dead Roxanne, and eventually, I will.
Leo opens the door, his gun tucked into his waistband. Lois gasps. He looks from me to Lois and back again.
"Mrs. Farraday," he says, "I won't offer to shake your hand. You need to put that little guy down?"
Lois shakes her head, clinging tightly to her sleeping baby. "He'll wake up soon. I don't feel like letting go of him."
Leo smiles at her. "I completely understand. Come and sit down."
We're getting comfortable in the lounge when Ali comes in.
"Hey, she says, giving Lois an awkward little wave, "I'm Ali. Just fixing Luna some crispies. Do you need me to get you anything?"
"I have what I need, thank you," Lois says, her eyes shining. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate you doing this."
"Not a problem. Ben called and said you needed a safe place, and there's nowhere safer than here. My Leo is itching to find The Dollmaker and murder him. I had to talk him into staying with us and letting Ben handle it."
"I can't help it," Leo shrugs. "It's who I am."
That's true. But Leo loves Ali and Luna with everything he has. He didn't know he had it in him. Ben may be the same. Perhaps he can be who he is and still love me?
My phone rings yet again. I glance at the screen and quickly slide to green.
"Oliver! Is Graham still with you? You won't believe what—"
"He's gone," Oliver says, his voice weak. "He just left now."
"Are you alright?" I ask. A coldness grips my chest. What happened?
"Well, Graham and I…it got a little bit heated." He coughs. "He had a knife. Can youimagine?"
"Jesus Christ, Oliver! Did he hurt you?"
"A bit." He sounds woozy. "Quite a nasty scratch, to be honest. I'm going to need to get to the hospital."
I look at Lois.Dammit.
"I'm sorry," I say. "I have Lois with me, and I can't leave her. If I go off on my own with Graham running around somewhere, Ben will kill me even if Graham doesn't."
"Ben's not with you?"
"No. We need to find Hillard, but he's not picking up his phone. Ben's looking for him."