Page 67 of Vicious Hearts
Ben speaks before I do.
"It's over. Graham is dead."
I drop to my knees. My hand flies to the back of my head, touching the stitches.
The man who tried to kill me is dead. The same man who killed his child. A man I got close to, only to realize there was something wrong with him. I just never knew how bad the wrong really was.
"Did you kill him?" I ask, stammering as the words come too quickly. "Where is Hillard? I have to get to Farraday so he can make a statement before the cops take you out—"
"Woah." Ben's tone is brusque. "Easy. We were wrong about Hillard. He fucked up bad, but he believed Farraday was the killer. Now that he knows the truth, he's given up trying to protect himself, and his career is effectively over. It’s a similar thing with Graham."
"I don't understand."
"I'm sorry to say I didn't get to kill him. It's a long and ugly story, and I dare say you'll hear it from Farraday soon. Can Lois hang on a bit longer to see him?"
I peer through the lounge window. Luna is playing peek-a-boo with Jamie as Ali looks on. Lois is asleep on the couch, her head on a cushion.
"I think so, yeah. What gives?"
"Hillard wants to take Farraday's statement himself as soon as he's dealt with everything here. It's a mess at the moment. He's got officers keeping the press back, but it'll make the news anyway. Obviously, he's got a ton to do here, but he says he'll take Lois to see her husband tomorrow."
The sun is casting long shadows. The afternoon seemed to last for days, but that's how it goes. Good times pass quickly, and bad times drag.
In the end, it was love that conquered all.
Lois Farraday loves her husband, and he loves her. Enough to let everyone, including her, believe he is a child-killer. Hillard finally knows the truth, and so will everyone else before long.
There's so much I want to say to Ben, but it doesn't feel like the right time. I want to look into his eyes. Put my hand on his face.
"About earlier," I begin. "I—"
"No." Ben's tone is cool. "You're safe now, Rox. That's what I wanted to achieve. But I can't undo the things I've said, the things I've done. I warned you, but you didn't listen."
"I heard you on the phone," I say. "You said you would cut me loose when you got bored. There's no danger now. Is this the part where you laugh and tell me it's been wild?"
There's a loaded pause. Ben is clearly trying to decide how to respond to this information.
"You know what?" he says. "You think I was honest with you, and you should have heeded my warnings. You’re right. But I didn't tell you thewholetruth. So if you’d prefer to blame me and forgive yourself, I'm happy to help."
My blood runs cold. "What do you mean?"
"I killed my father, Rox. And I'm not fucking sorry."
I can't find any words. What can I say that would make sense?
"The cop, too," he continues. "I lost my shit and slashed them to ribbons.Thatis what I am and what I have the potential to do.”
I feel sick.
I trusted him with my painful past, and he wouldn’t give me the same. He lied to my face to keep the upper hand. To keep thepower.
“It’s not what you did,” I say. “It’s theliesthat get to me. You were right—youdohurt people for kicks. Does it really feel that good?”
“It feels like shit right now, if that’s what you wanna hear.”
I understand what he’s trying to do, and I know what to say. Something I doubt he’s ever heard before.
“I forgive you, Ben. Forgiveyourself. You were a frightened kid in a desperate situation, and you made a mistake.”