Page 20 of Aryan
“You’re not disappointed?”
“Why would I be? This is your path, Brooklyn, and you have to walk where it leads for you. You can’t pattern your life off of mine, Brook. All I ever wanted to do was guide you and open doors for you, but if I am opening the wrong doors, I am happy you have found the right ones and are established enough to open your own doors. And as usual, I am here for anything you may need.”
“Well, I do need something,”
“Talk to me.”
“A doctor. What I mean is a doctor to work with me at my clinic,”
“Aww gotcha, okay let me take a look, and I will make a list for you.”
“Thank you,” I say, hugging her.
“You never have to thank me, it’s my pleasure,” she tells me. We talked for a bit longer before I head to my office to begin packing my things. I sent a text to Aryan asking him to help with picking my things up.
This week went by faster than I thought. Lennox threw me a party to say goodbye. Surprisingly, I am scared and excited at the same time. There is one box left to carry to the car, “Are you ready?” Lennox asks.
“I am. I am just waiting for Aryan to come get the last box.”
“I am sure he can work it out without you being here to supervise. Let me walk you out.”
“Fine,” I say, twirling in a circle, taking one final look at my office before walking out with Lennox.
I make it back to her office to grab the last box when I notice someone is already in her office.
“Just the man I wanted to see,” I say, walking in and closing the door behind me, causing Dr. Dalton to turn to look at me.
“We have nothing to talk about.”
“Oh, we have everything to talk about.”
“I, uh, have an appointment, so, unfortunately, we’ll have to do this later.”
“We’ll do this now, so I suggest you have a seat, and that is not a request. I stayed out of the bullshit you were putting Brooklyn through because it was important for her not to have me fighting her battles, but now that she is no longer here, I can finally do what I have been wanting to do for a while now.”
“And what would that be? Beat me up? Because that’s the only way to feel like a man? Such a high school mentality,” Dr. Dalton says.
“Hmm, you have no idea who I am; that is clear. But fortunately for you, I have no intention of using my hands on you because if I did, you’d be lucky only to get beat up. Personally, I prefer to six-foot you, but I have something better for you. You see, I have a brother, actually, I have seven brothers, but there is one, in particular, I am referring to; he is a computer savant. He can do almost anything with a computer, find anyone, do anything, so when I asked him to look into your past, he was more than happy to. Imagine what he came across,” I tell her as I lean against Brooklyn’s desk facing him in the seat.
“We managedto track down your college girlfriend, and she was more than happy to tell us about how you had her sleep with your teachers in order to get the tests and the answers so that you could pass your tests and ultimately get your license.” The color drains from his face before he tries to recover.
“That bitch is lying. she was just mad because she thought I was going to marry her, and I left her when my career took off, but nice try.”
“Hmm, yeah, she and I both thought you’d say that, so my brother dug deeper and found several of your professors, old now but still unwilling to let the fact that they had affairs with female students come to light. They were more than happy to provide proof of the affair, provided I kept the affair secret. You were playing checkers with Brooklyn, trying to force her to bend to your will while I played chess. You will resign and move out of Mississippi, and if I ever see you around Brooklyn, contacting her or trying to make things difficult, I will burn your world down to the ground in white-hot flames before I put you six feet under. And before you think I am a joke, I suggest you ask around about the Gideons before you get fucked up,” I picked up the box and headed to the door. “Oh, let’s keep this between us. You have until the end of the day to quit and the end of the week to get the hell out of Mississippi and never come back.” I open the door. “How was it to almost be chief of staff? I hope you enjoyed the thought of it because you’ll never get that close to it again.” I tell him, walking out. He is lucky I’ve turned over a new leaf, otherwise, his ass would be missing.
It took some doing at first to try to find some dirt on Dr. Dalton. He seemed perfect, but Jabarri kept digging. He said it didn’t take long before he hit pay dirt, and I realized Dr. Dalton lied and cheated his way through college and medical school. Once Brooklyn declared she quit, I knew I could finally confront him with what I found out, and had she never left, he was still not going to take over as Chief either way. I place the box in the back of the SUV before taking a seat behind the wheel. “Are you ready?” I ask her as I start the car.
“As ready as I will ever be,” she says as I pull out of the parking lot.
“Next week, we’ll go look at the buildings, and hopefully, you’ll like one of them for your clinic.”
“Maybe I’ll also need to set up interviews. Peter said I could use his hotel to meet with the applicants.
“Okay,” I say, thinking and not for the first time that things were different, and I could practice with her, but that’s just not in the cards for us. “We’ll go to look at buildings in the morning, and then you can go to Peter’s by noon for the interviews. You will also need a couple of nurses and possibly a physician assistant, too, not to mention a receptionist.”
“Right, I think I will do the doctor interviews first, then a couple of days later, nurses and so on. Hopefully, by the end of the month, I will have a full staff. I still am not looking to open the clinic for another few months. I need some time off. That should work well, especially for the applicants who don’t live in Mississippi.”