Page 122 of Scarred Assassin
I lived with my mother for ten years after that incident and she didn’t think it was okay for her to tell me. I even told her I killed my dad because he cheated on her and she still didn’t even attempt to tell me the truth once.
What would her response be if I confronted her? Denial? Apologies? Or just tears? Fake ones that I wouldn’t believe.
What if she and Jayden’s dad still talked? What if they were still together? They were both deranged anyway, killing their partners to be with each other. They were obsessed, and could still be. It was unbelievable that they would just let each other go after everything they did to be together.
Unless my mother really hated him for forcing his children on me, I couldn’t tell.
Jayden rubbed my hair down to my back as I sniffed and calmed down. I buried my head into his chest in embarrassment, he had never seen me break down like this before. “It’s okay, Flower,” he soothed me and I remembered that he had called me Jordan when he was mad at me earlier.
Fuck him.
I looked up at him and sniffed. “Our families are fucked up, Jayden.”
“It’s the two of us against them, Flower. It’s the two of us against the world.”
It’s the two of us against the world. I repeated his words and smiled to myself. I'd be lying if I said I wanted to hurt him, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel anything for him.
I might not love him, but I like liked him —if that was a thing. I wrapped my hands around his waist and sighed.
Me and him against the world.
“The plane will depart from Stanfield airport in the next two hours and arrive at Cape Town airport in about twenty-one hours and thirty-five minutes,” Jordan explained.
“That’s like a whole day,” I exclaimed and she nodded, without taking her eyes off the phone. She seemed so engrossed in whatever she was doing —probably still checking the flight.
I was still in shock from what I found out, but at least I had her here with me, which brought me some peace. Her being so close to me was comforting. Even though we had an argument in the morning, I was happy that we made up and she let me in her house again.
We drove our cars from Raphael’s house straight to her place. I still felt guilty about killing my brother and leaving his dead body there for whoever came in to find it whenever they came in, but nothing could beat the excitement and thrill that I was feeling to have Jordan by my side on the chair as I watched her explain her journey to me.
After she broke down and cried earlier, she had been surprisingly gentle and it felt like she got some things —if not most— off her mind. I knew she was still angry at her mother, and even though I was mad at Aunty Laura too, I was more worried that when Jordan got there, she would hurt her.
“Can I come with you?” I asked
She looked at me, creasing her eyebrows in confusion. “To see my mother?” She asked and I nodded. “Why?”
“Because I don’t want you to hurt her. I know you’re still mad at her and I don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret later. Look, you’re even hiding a knife in your bag to visit your mother, who does that?” I said, pointing at her hand when I noticed her trying to hide a knife in the purse of a black mini travel bag.
“Incase you missed it, Jayden, I’m an assassin. Knife to me is like the lip balms y’all put in your bag to moisturize your lips, I need this. Your father’s private investigator is there in South Africa, what if I run into him?”
“So you’re saying this is not for your mom?”
She shrugged and I frowned. “If she asks for it, who am I to say no.”
I knew it. I knew she had her mom in mind when she grabbed that knife. I took the knife from her and opened the same drawer she had opened earlier to put it back. I gasped at what I saw.
There were different types of knives in there; a messer, a dagger, a cleaver, a heartstopper, a bowie knife, a karambit knife, a survival knife, a M9 bayonet, a tactical knife and so many more.
How did I know all these? Good question, I knew them all from playing video games. But my girlfriend probably knew them because she needed them for her new collection to kill… wait a minute, was she my girlfriend now?
“Are you my girlfriend now?”
“What!?” She asked obliviously, still engrossed in her phone. I shook my head, deciding not to ruin the moment with a stupid question that could cause more fights between us.
I had just realized that things just happened between us, unplanned and unexpected. It was better to just let them keep happening. All I knew was that we were closer than before and farther than we’d be in the nearest future.