Page 6 of Scarred Assassin
I was about to open the white gin when the door opened, revealing my mother who was holding a tray with a bright smile on her lips, and in the tray was a full cup of orange juice.
She still looked so beautiful and healthy despite everything that happened and I was glad she was. Her brown skin was the one I inherited, my dad on the other hand was white.
My mother, Laura Vincenzo was South African and my father, Chris Vincenzo was American. Together, they gave me really beautiful features.
I took my mother’s brown skin, her curly brown hair, her small nose, and her oval face.
While from my dad, I inherited his plump lips, his upturned greenish brown eyes, and his thick eyebrows. I also took his dominating character and stubborn personality.
I didn’t know how it was possible, but I looked like both of them because apparently, couples start to look alike when they stay together for a long time. Disgusting.
She scanned me to check if I was in a good mood before she came in, but as her eyes fell on the blood dripping out of my fresh injury, she screamed and rushed toward me, spilling the juice a little.
I shut my eyes and sucked in breaths. I was not in the mood for any drama, but luck was not on my side.
“Jordan, what is this? Why are you doing this to me? You promised me.” She cried as she dropped the tray on the table and carefully held my hand.
“It’s Alexis, mother, and I didn’t promise anything. I only said I’ll stop when I’m done.”
“Done with what? Please stop doing this, I beg you,” she begged as tears ran down her eyes. Wasn’t it too soon for this many tears?
“I’ll only stop when I’m done,” I repeated.
“It’s Alexis. I swear, I will not tell you again.” I glared at her. She dropped her eyes, and fiddled with her fingers.
“Ariana and Kendal won’t like this, they won’t like to see you do this.” I heard her mumble and I sighed. This woman never listened, did she?
“Don’t do that, don’t bring them into this.” I said as slowly as I could, indirectly warning her, but she was my mother, she just never listened.
She always tried to get me to do things by mentioning Ariana and Kendal, because she knew how hard I always tried to act normal in their presence. They were kids, they should never be introduced to my world, it was way too dark.
“I’m just saying, you don’t want them to see you doing this and…”
“Do you think I care about them that much? Do you think I cannot burst their brains out if I ever feel like they are going to intervene with my mission?” I couldn’t do that, I could never do that, but I was too mad to care.
“I’ve been preparing for this all my life and you know it. I’ve planned for this before they even came into my life and if I ever feel like they are getting in my way then I promise you mother, I’ll put a bullet into each of their heads and burst their brains out.”
She sighed in defeat.
I opened the gin and dribbled the content on my arm, wincing in pain. My mother screamed and covered her face, unable to take it and I almost snorted. She should see me cutting people's necks like vegetables.
I closed the gin and reached over to take a bandage, but she pulled me into a hug all of a sudden, careful not to hurt me.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have married that man, I shouldn’t have made him your father, it is all my fault, I’m so sorry.” She cried into my shoulder and my body softened.
“It’s not your fault, you’re just as much a victim as I am so you don’t have to apologize for falling in love.”
“Why don’t you see a therapist again? A good one this time, we’ll find the best this time, then you’ll be okay and we can go anywhere you want, hm?” She said, raising her eyebrows in appeal.
“A good therapist? Mother, are you not tired of me going for therapy even after I murdered two therapists already?”
“Those were horrible, they did bad to you, I know it. But we’ll find a good one this time, I promise.”
“No, I don’t want to start therapy again. And by anywhere I want, do you mean Heaven? No? Then no.”
“Jor... I mean Alex…”