Page 5 of The Massacre Ball
“What the fuck is Washi tape?”
I turn then because I’ve finally noticed the edge in his voice. He looks a bit pale. “Brian? Are you all right?”
He is absolutely not fine, but I don’t push him. I wonder if it’s connected to where he’s going when he slips off. I don’t worry that he’s cheating on me. Unless cheating means killing people without me—that’s just not Brian. He’s far more interested in killing people than he is fucking them. It’s not like he’s never fucked a woman down here in the dungeon, but it’s just not like that. It’s not romantic and hearts and kisses. It isn’t even passion. I probably should be bothered, but I’m not. As he’s said on many occasions, fucking from him is not a compliment. Even now, he doesn’t trust himself to have real full-on sex with me unless he’s tied up for the event, which I’m happy to accommodate.
I don’t know what he imagines would happen or how it could go south, but he’s adamant about this.
The only mistress I have to worry about is Death—as in the general principle. Probably not my own—at least not at Brian’s hands.
He closes his eyes when I press a hand against the side of his face and lean in to press a soft kiss to his lips.
He returns the kiss then pulls away and sighs. “I killed someone this morning,” he confesses.
“Without me?”
“It wasn’t like that. It was just something I had to do and it… it brought up some things.”
Childhood things. He doesn’t have to say it. The specter of his stepmother hangs over him even after all these years. Even killing her and burying the pieces in multiple states couldn’t stop her relentless pursuit of him in flashbacks and nightmares.
He says it’s not as bad since he’s had me, but sometimes it’s pretty bad.
“Soooo,” I say, pulling his attention back to the here and now. “New contract?”
He nods. “New contract.”
“I better get to go.”
He smirks. “Or what?” The haunted look in his eyes has faded away, replaced with the wicked gleam reserved only for me.
“I do get to go, right?”
He chuckles. “Yes, you get to go.”
“On Halloween?”
“If I can swing it, that’s when I thought we could take him out. Windsor is a paranoid man and always heavily guarded, but at a party where he’s relaxed with everyone around him singing his praises, we should be able to find our moment.”
“But… Halloween. It’s so far away.”
He arches a brow. “Relax, Killer. I’ve got another side job we can go on together.” He pulls a folded up piece of paper from his pocket and waves it in the air, teasing me.
“Another contract?”
“Nope. Anton stopped me upstairs, and apparently one of our buyers doesn’t understand the consequences of breaking house rules.”
“Oh, let me kill him. You already got to kill someone today.” And besides, the men who break house rules are abusing the women they bought, so I definitely want to be the one to spill blood.
Brian just smirks.
“What do you think?”
I turn to find Mina in a black corset and black leather pants with matching boots. “What am I supposed to be commentating on?” I ask, confused. This is pretty much the standard attire she’s worn every time we’ve been in a killing people situation together. That’s only been a few times, but still, a pattern is emerging.