Page 4 of Yuletide Slay Ride
And then I’m left with the realization that he may as wellbean elephant, because there’s no way I’m going to be able to get him out of here.I was fueled a little too much on fury and not enough on logistics.
I try to drag him, but he is really big.You don’t stop to consider just how heavy such a tall and well-muscled man is, and his height makes him even more impossible to move.I pause, my gaze lingering over his ass.I’m so tempted to touch him, but that feels a little rape-y to me, so I resist the urge.He’s completely vulnerable and helpless right now, and I feel a responsibility to respect that.
But he won’t be for long.I’ve got probably forty-five minutes before he snaps out of it and there is hell to pay.The drugs are supposed to last an hour, but I’m pretty sure he’ll shake it off sooner, and then I’m in big trouble.
I panic as it fully sinks in that I really can’t move him, and the clock is ticking.Like I cannot budge him at all.I use all my strength to move him an inch.At this rate he’ll definitely come to well before I can get him anywhere to start enacting the rest of my barely cobbled together plan.
Fuck me.Okay, think Mina, who can help me?
I race out of our room and up the stairs.
“Have you seen Gabe?”I ask Anton.He’s the first one I spot when I get back to the main part of the house.I really really hope Gabe isn’t on a mail run right now.
“He’s in the office.”
I let out a relieved sigh.“Thanks.”
I don’t bother knocking when I reach the office.“Hey, I need your help.”
Gabe looks up from his laptop.“What do you need?”
He is so hopelessly mope-y lately.He gallantly decided to leave Julie alone because she can’t bring herself to submit to him and all his kinky desires.I mean, I get it with all her trauma.I was once her.So… I get it.And I don’t even think she started out kinky—unlike me.
But now they’re just… existing together or not reallytogether, but you know, in the same general giant mansion.It’s annoying the shit out of me.
“Ummm, it’s really more of a show than a tell sort of situation.Could you come with me?”
He follows me back down to the dungeons, and into the bathroom.
“Mina, what the fuck happened?Is he all right?”
“He’ll be fine, I dosed him with some of the drugs.”
Gabe’s eyes are the size of saucers.“You WHAT?”
I think he’s genuinely afraid for my life right now, and that’s sort of sweet.I’ve always had a soft spot for Gabe ever since he rescued me from Brian when Lindsay locked me in a cage when I first got to the house.
It was a long time before I knew it was Brian who set that situation up because he didn’t like the idea of me trapped like that, but he also didn’t want to kill off his sociopathic evil reputation in a single afternoon.So in the grand scheme of things, Brian was my real rescuer that day
Still, Gabe has always been kind to me.And he’s been the only person at the house to not treat me like a total alien since I’ve changed.
“Oh my God, Gabe, if you knew how he was being, you would have dosed him, too.But I need your help moving him.”
Gabe is probably the only trainer at the house who likes Brian at all.I like to think they have a weird sort of Bromance going on.At least I’m shipping them that way.
“He’ll kill me.”
“I mean, not if he’s chained up,” I say, batting my eyes sweetly.“Also, we did take care of your Dmitri problem.And I got all the girls to safety.”
Gabe lets out a long sigh.“I’m telling you, he will kill me if he finds out I helped you do this.”
“I doubt it.You’re the closest thing to a friend he has and the only one who isn’t constantly antagonizing him.”
Gabe seems to think my faith in Brian is misplaced, but he picks him up under his arms anyway.
“Can you grab his feet?”he asks.
“Yes, I’m an expert at this part.”Between Halloween night and the Dmitri job I could do workshops on this part.