Page 23 of Stealing Samantha
Jaess let her, his mouth closing over hers in a maddening kiss. He was too gentle, too sure, too controlled. She wanted him to fall along with her, to know the same urgent need that had her body squirming beneath him for more contact.
She turned her head to the side, breaking the kiss, and slid her foot over the back of his thigh. “Take these off,” she ordered. Sam was done with waiting.
He lifted his hips and then pressed his hands into the bedding, pushing his chest away from hers, pausing to glance down at the way one of her fingers was still caught in his chains. She turned it, wrapping them tighter, tugging him back down for an instant before she pulled her hand free. He stood with his familiar easy grace, unfastening the pants and pushing them down in one fluid motion. Her eyes dropped to his hips and she shivered. He was large and hard, with the same velvety looking, flat, sail shaped spikes encasing his shaft as Uvaess’ had.
She bit her lip against the distance she felt forming between them. She wanted Jaess. He was watching her with his wings tucked back, a keen look in his bright eyes. She didn’t want him to worry about her, to second guess whether she was thinking of what had come before, even if it was the truth. None of this was fair to either of them.
“Come back to me, Jay,” she told him, pressing herself up onto her elbows and reaching out a hand. She waited for him, just as he’d done the night before. Part of her said she was selfish to want him like this. She wanted to take, to drink the sweet heat from his lips, to feel him inside of her, to swallow that spark that would make her ignite. She wasn’t sure that what she could give in return would be worth it.
His hand closed around hers, his big body engulfing her in his warmth. Even before she felt his hardness nudge between her legs, the worry had fallen away. He was Jaess, simple as that, and there was no room for anything else. Her thighs opened and her hips canted upwards, urging him to sink into her. Just like his kiss, he was sure and slow. She felt every second of it as he worked his way deeper. Her body welcomed him, and she savored the velvety resistance of each soft spike, she marveled in how he made her feel so full, so complete. When his hips met hers and they were flush together, he stopped.
“Sam,” he said in his voice of sin laced promise, “look at me.”
She saw the ragged way his chest rose and fell above her before she lifted her face to meet his eyes. She knew it cost him to hold himself so still, to wait for her. “I’m looking.”
He didn’t say anything back, just scanned her face.Searching for red flags, for cracks in the ice.Fuck that. Sam pressed her mouth against his at the same time as she thrust her hips, forcing him somehow even deeper as she took what she needed. She’d always known she was willing to take.
His slick tongue teased her, flicking against her lips, twisting and twining its way inside the warmth of her mouth. When he pulled back and took her again in one smooth, hard motion, he made it clear that although he might play with his kisses, he planned to give her exactly what she craved. She dug her fingers into the feathers near his face, the down soft against the heel of her hand while the length of them remained inflexible and firm.
He still had his wings pressed to his back, as inoffensive and unnoticeable as he could make them. She’d done that to him. She knew what it felt like to make herself small, to hide, and she couldn’t let him do the same. Sam leaned into the kiss, claiming that skilled tongue of his, sucking on the pointed tips. Her bottom lip pressed against the sharpness of a fang, and she ground her mouth down harder, wanting the piercing clarity of the pain as the faint taste of copper mixed with Jaess’ sun-soaked sweetness, the coolness of shadow streaked earth.
She didn’t let him take control. Her body moved with his, matched, the perfect harmony to his melody. “Open your wings,” she gasped as he kissed the corner of her mouth. “Show me. I want to see you—all of you.” She felt his hips stutter as he hesitated. “Damn it, Jay. I’m not scared. Not with you.”
And then he spread his wings, putting all the glorious vivid brightness of them on full display. He was beautiful. He was perfect. And she wasn’t scared. She wasn’t. They moved faster, each thrust more frantic than the last. She had one arm curled around his back, her fingers digging into the meat of his shoulder, while the other was pressed to his chest, as if her palm could somehow capture the echo of his heartbeat. She could sense the pleasure building, a wave ready to crest, but she wanted to wait, to encase this moment in amber, to make it stretch like honey gold sap. She wanted him to crash to shore along with her, to finish their song the way they’d started it.
His low hiss filled her ear with static, and then she felt it—the instant that last barrier broke and he let go. He filled her deeper, harder, over and over again. Sam cried out as she clenched down around him accompanied by the rough whoosh of air as his wings moved in tandem with his hips. There was something obscene about it, as if an angel held her in his iron grip, his release a hot stain inside her as the force of his climax had him lifting them up off the bed, those wings still pumping like great bellows stoking a fire. She would’ve thought she’d imagined it, drunk on the rolling pleasure that left her limp and pliant, but the cool brush of air against the damp skin of her back let her know that it was all real.
He froze, arrested by pleasure, just as she’d wanted. He shuddered inside her, that last sip of completion coaxing another shiver out of her, and she tightened around him, arms and legs and inner muscles all holding him close. It was inevitable that they’d fall, that she’d feel the slight roughness of the quilt beneath them again, that it would end.
“Sam. K’lallsa.” She knew what that word meant.Beloved.She had a translator after all. Uvaess had tried to use that word on her, but it’d always been a lie. It sounded so much sweeter when it was the truth.
“K’lallsith.” She whispered the male form of the endearment back up at him, hoping time wouldn’t make her a liar, too.
Jaess just shivered against her, his breath coming out in a ragged exhale at her temple. He stayed like that until they both grew cold. She still didn’t want to unclasp herself from his body. She didn’t want to ever let him go. He pulled back his hips, and the emptiness he left behind made her want to claw her fingers against his shoulders—to do anything to keep him there. He rolled onto his side and closed his arms around her. When the solid weight of his wing spread out over their entwined bodies, she didn’t fight it. He kept it low, covering her like a blanket, his feathers staying clear of her shoulders and face. Maybe it should have felt smothering, but it wasn’t. It was just Jaess. Just perfect.
His mind was mush,his thoughts floaty fragments he couldn’t quite force himself to grasp. Jaess held Sam in his arms, their bodies still slick from their lovemaking.
“Lithi warned me away from you. She thinks I’m bad news.” Sam’s voice was raspy from their kisses, still rough with pleasure. She’d never sounded better.
“Bad news?” he asked, his lips curving in a smile against the veil of her hair. It fell across her cheek and over her shoulder to pool between her breasts, the ends curving into a perfect little spiral like dark smoke.
“Yep. She thinks I’m bad for you.”
“You’re not,” he said. She still thought she was broken, that her failed mating with the Sa’isthess male meant something deeper. “Lithi thinks I’m a pretty prize she can win. She’s wrong—about everything. You shouldn’t listen to her.”
He felt Sam tense beneath his wing and resisted the urge to hug her tighter. “She said that if we danced together on stage again she’d send you back to Xithilene.”
Jaess hummed against Sam’s hair, letting the sound of his rattle tickle his lips before he pressed soft kisses along the side of her neck, easing his body down so he could fit better against her. “Fine. We don’t touch onstage, but don’t let her scare you. She can’t send me back for this—for us.” He nuzzled her cheek with his nose. “You smell so right,” he said with a sigh.
Sam turned in his arms, but she was grinning when she faced him, so he knew she wasn’t trying to leave. “What time do you think it is?” she asked.
“What time? Does it matter?”
She glanced towards the door. “Maybe if your roommate comes back soon. Who’s staying with you tonight, anyway?”
“You,” he said before he leaned in for another kiss.