Page 25 of A Chance Fall
"Hi, Mom!" Georgia exclaimed, waving at the camera. "I miss you so much!"
April couldn't help but smile back, feeling her eyes well up with tears. "I miss you too, honey. How's school going?"
"It's going well! I'm keeping up with the work and making some friends. But I wish you were here," Georgia said, her voice tinged with sadness.
"That's sweet, but you'll see me in no time."
Behind her daughter, she saw the typical college dorm room with a desk, large bed, and a closet with a mirror. Bright lights from the street outside cast a pale glow through the thin curtains, leaving the room in a hazy glow.
April couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over her. It seemed like just yesterday that she was in college, studying hard and making new friends. Now, her daughter was getting that same experience.
Though, she was slightly afraid just months ago that Georgia would never experience higher education. When her daughter was helping her reimagine the property she laid in now, April never imagined that she would end up back at school learning about interior design.
"Oh, and mom," Georgia began, putting up a hand and getting wide eyed. She was gearing up to tell a story. "You will never guess what this professor did to me the other day."
"What?" April asked, eagerly.
"So, we were talking about color palettes for a design project, and I suggested using a certain shade of blue. And he looked at me and said, 'I'm sorry, I didn't realize Smurfs were in charge of this project,'" Georgia said, rolling her eyes.
April let out a chuckle. "That's awful, but kind of funny."
The two talked about her time at school for the next half hour. April listened intently as Georgia vented about the ins and outs of her life.
As their conversation slowed, April couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. Her daughter was thriving in college and pursuing her passions, just as she had always hoped.
"Well, I've been having an interesting week here, too."
"Oh, really?" Georgia replied, spreading herself across her bed and kicking her feet in the air behind her. "Tell me about it."
April explained about the guest who left early and the ones who might have stolen something from her. Then she talked just a little about Nigel.
Georgia knew who Nigel was and that she was starting to date again. But she refused to give too many details about her love life to her daughter. Some things were meant to be more private.
The only detail she gave away was that they were on the rocks after his ex came into town, despite Nigel saying he wanted to be with April.
"Hm, that is a weird situation. I wish I could give you advice, but my only serious boyfriend was in high school. And we both know how that turned out."
The boy was nice, but their chemistry was never off the charts. They broke up after a few months.
Just as April was about to say goodbye, a knock came to her door. Even Georgia's brows furrowed. "Hold on," she told her daughter. "Come in!"
Richard's head slipped into the doorway. "Hey, hun. How's it going? I'm just checking in."
"Oh, it's your grandfather," April said to the phone. "I'm talking to Georgia, if you want to come say hi."
The smile that Richard's face grew was wide and bright. He almost couldn't believe it as he stepped into the room. "I'd be delighted." He marveled at the sight of his granddaughter on the other side of the screen.
April was glad he had the opportunity to see her. They'd barely known each other growing up. Because of his frequent absences, her father wasn't around enough for Georgia to really remember him.
"Hey, sweetheart," he said to the screen.
Georgia smiled softly and waved a hand. "Hi, how are you?"
Her mood had completely shifted from when she was just speaking with her mother. It was more subdued, cautious, as if she was talking to a stranger.
"I'm doing well, hun. How are you doing over there? I hear you're studying?"
Georgia looked off screen and nodded her head. "I'm doing well, studying hard! But uh... I actually have to run. My friends are having a little get-together. Mom, I'll call you again soon, okay?"