Page 38 of A Chance Fall
"What other kinds of animals do you think you'll have on the ranch?" Jackson asked out of the blue.
She put a finger on her chin in thought. "Honestly, I haven't given it much thought. I mean, I know I want horses, but I haven't really considered other animals. At least none specifically."
"Well, you should consider getting some cattle. They're kind creatures. And they really provide some great options. A pet, a dairy cow, whatever you want," he explained. "And chickens are always a good option. Eggs could give you more sustainability."
She raised her brows. Jackson really knew his stuff. There was so much to think about, so much to do.
April had stopped herself from getting too far ahead in the planning, for so many reasons including Isaac Greenfield. But it felt nice to dream again.
She smiled at Jackson, feeling grateful for his suggestion. "Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely keep that in mind."
Lately, everything felt uncertain, but April had always been a planner. "Do you think if I got too many animals here, people would be crowding, making it some sort of petting zoo?" she asked him with a smile.
Though she wanted everyone to feel welcome here, she didn't imagine it becoming a tourist attraction. It was supposed to be for the horses, for rehabilitation and therapy for child riders. Her vision for this place didn't include everyone crowding her property just so they could pet a cow.
"I guess I didn't think of that," he explained, brows furrowed and deep in thought. "They are pretty intrusive here. Everyone knows everything. You'd have to keep the special animals in private I guess. Though, I don't think people would crowd for chickens."
"So you're saying I could get away with a flock of chickens, but not an adorable cow?" April asked.
He shrugged. "I guess so. You'd probably have to hide the cow away for save keeping."
April laughed imaging trying to hide a cow from the sight of any onlookers. "A secret cow? I haven't thought about that before."
Jackson chuckled. "Well, every ranch needs a little mystery, right? Keeps things interesting."
April smiled, feeling her heart skip a beat. She couldn't believe how natural it was to talk to Jackson. It was like they had known each other for years, when in reality they had only just met.
She felt grateful to have Jackson here with her, helping her plan and dream. It was a nice distraction from everything else going on in her life.
Including Nigel, who seemed to keep popping into her mind as she felt more and more connected to the mysterious man in front of her. She still didn't know everything about Jackson, but it was nice to know him even a little bit more than she did before.
It made her feel attracted to him. She couldn't help how she felt. And he wasn't doing anything to stop her from getting to know him.
Would he ever have an ex-girlfriend come into town and then not talk to her about it? Maybe. She'd have to get to know him better before she could say for sure.
Until then, she was stuck trying to decipher both Jackson and Nigel.
April took a deep breath and tried to forget all of her thoughts. She needed to relax. As silence fell between her and Jackson, she was able to focus on the nature around her.
She looked out into her fields filled with lush green meadows that stretched to the horizon, blanketed with wildflowers and restless native plants. The area was painted in breathtaking colors of lush greens, dark browns, and bright yellows.
A clear blue sky loomed above with only an occasional fluffy cloud drifting by, a brilliant yellow sun setting over the horizon in the distance.
A fragrant blend of grass clippings, soil, and sweet flowers mingled with an earthy aroma that made her feel as though she stepped into a lush paradise. The gentle buzz of crickets, the chirping of birds, and the whirring of grasshoppers in the fields filled the air with a peaceful melody.
April took it all in, tearing up at the beauty it showed her. The sound of a gentle breeze rustled through the trees and long grass, singing a song of tranquility.
She couldn't imagine being anywhere else. It was absolutely perfect.
Soon, she would have to return to the chaos of her life. Nigel, her father, Isaac, the money she didn't have in her bank account.
But for now, she had this. And all that mattered was that she was going to fight for this peace until she was sure it would be safe.
April stared at the email, feeling her stomach twist and turn. It was a lot of money. More than she had anticipated. The peace from working outside quickly wore off as soon as she stepped back into the hotel and opened her laptop.
The University website stated all of Georgia's tuition laid out by category. The math made sense, but April still didn't like the number.