Page 52 of A Chance Fall
As he looked up at her, he must have realized what he said by the conflict in her eyes. "But of course," he got out quickly, "I'll push it away. I can keep to myself for now."
She didn't like the way he said 'for now', as if a storm was brewing and it was coming to wreck her later.
April felt a lump form in her throat. She knew it was for the best, but it still hurt to see the disappointment in Jackson's eyes. She couldn't help but wonder what could have been if things were different.
"I appreciate your understanding," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "And I value your work here. You're doing a fantastic job."
Jackson gave her a small smile. "Thank you, April. I'll continue to do my best."
They stood there for a moment longer, the tension between them slowly dissipating.
"I'll finish up the work here and then I'll be on my way," Jackson repeated, finally breaking his eye contact to walk towards the doorway. "Have a good day, April. I'll see you tomorrow."
As he turned to leave the room, April couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. She had wanted to explore the chemistry between them, but she knew it was the right decision to keep things professional.
As she watched him leave, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change between them. She didn't know what it was, but she felt like they were on the edge of something different and new.
April continued making her list of renovations that needed to be completed, except this time she added another column. 'Things to ask Jackson'.
It was nice being able to have another place to go for questions and help. She didn't need to rely solely on herself for knowledge and man power.
And looking at this bathroom, she knew she would need something extra. Anything to help her transform this horrid space into something she could be proud of.
As she made her way out of the bathroom, April couldn't help but notice the way the light hit the tiles just so, illuminating the space in a way that made her feel alive. At least she did something right.
Feeling strange about her conversation with Jackson, April went into town to talk to Nigel.
She knew that she walked away while he was trying to explain himself, and it wasn't right. At least she could have tried to hear him out. Though she wasn't sure what he could say to make her feel any more comfortable about the situation. It was rude of her to walk away like she did.
April wanted to talk to him, to see him again. She wanted her friend back. One of her first and only friends in the small town of Sandcrest.
As April walked down the busy streets of Sandcrest, she couldn't help but feel alive. She passed by the local coffee shop, the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. The place was bustling with locals, chatting and laughing over their cups of joe. It was a welcome sight, a reminder that she wasn't alone in this town.
As she walked towards Giant's, April couldn't help but feel nervous. Would he even want to talk to her after she abruptly walked away from him the other day?
When she finally arrived, it was time to head inside the busy burger joint. A tourist held the door open for her as she walked in. She took a deep breath and walked toward her usual seat on the corner bar stool.
She searched around for Nigel, but couldn't see him anywhere. After a few minutes, April decided to wander the restaurant to see if she could find him.
The bartender was busy getting drinks out to the patrons at the bar top. It was hard to see past the people to the kitchen door, where there was a small window she could usually see into.
On her tiptoes, she looked inside and waited for Nigel to pass by again, like he usually did. But no one was walking around back there.
That's when she heard his voice. It was so quiet at first she doubted herself, but then she realized it really was him. His face was hidden by a divider that separated the bar and a row of booths in the back of the restaurant.
She slowly walked over to it, expecting to take him by surprise. But as she turned the corner, she recognized blonde hair and immediately froze. It was his ex-girlfriend here, yet again. It was Lily.
April felt a jolt of shock run through her body as she watched Nigel and Lily stand together beside the divider. They appeared to be engrossed in conversation, their heads close together as he spoke to her.
She felt a tinge of jealousy, wondering what they could possibly be talking about that was so secretive. What else could they have to say to each other?
Maybe they were back together after all. The thought broke April.
She debated whether or not to interrupt them, to make her presence known. It wasn't long ago that she imagined herself telling Lily exactly how she felt.
Now, she could walk over to them and let them know that she was happy they'd found each other. She would say that she would no longer be between them. If Lily wanted him, she could have him. He could run off with her if he wanted.