Page 55 of A Chance Fall
April looked up, eyes wide. "You guys have to look at this."
The other three women gathered around her screen. It was an article written by a local paper stating that one of Isaac's companies was donating to a local flower distributor.
Beth and Kellie gasped.
"What is it?" April asked, looking through the article again to see if she missed something.
April looked up at her friend. "You don't see it? That's Stay Green, the flower distributor in town. It's run by Sanchez."
"You mean like... like councilman Sanchez?" April asked, remembering the man who explained all of the paperwork to her when she first went into town hall.
They all nodded. "Yep. That Sanchez," Kellie said. "That means that they're in cahoots. Because why else would they go along with his insane plans and fake a letter telling you to stop what you're doing? They wanted to scare you, but they're the ones doing something wrong."
"He bought them off. He's trying to pay his way to office and bribe them to get you to stop," Beth explained in plainer language.
She couldn't have been more thankful for people who lived in Sandcrest longer than her and knew everyone in town.
April's heart raced at the thought of Isaac and Sanchez working together to bring her down. She couldn't believe that she was up against such powerful men. But then again, she had always been a fighter.
She smirked, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over her. She knew she had the upper hand now. With this new information, she could finally take down Isaac Greenfield and make him pay for what he did to her.
Though they didn't do anything illegal, April was sure that Isaac wouldn't want anyone knowing that he'd been trying to bother a local business. That wouldn't look good in his mayoral campaign.
And now that she had proof that he was trying to take her down, she could show everyone the kind of man he truly was.
The sound of her short heels bounced off of the empty walls of town hall. It was later in the day when almost everyone had gone home.
April walked confidently down the hallway, her eyes fixed on the door with Isaac Greenfield's nameplate on it. She had prepared for this moment for hours with her friends' help.
As she reached the door, she took a deep breath, her heart racing with anticipation.
Without knocking, she pushed the door open, revealing Isaac sitting behind his desk, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of her.
"April, what are you doing here?" he asked, trying to sound calm, but failing miserably.
It was one of her tactics. Catch them off guard.
"I find it funny that you thought I wouldn't figure it out. That you thought I wouldn't do my research and hunt down every little detail about you out there. You underestimated a lawyer. It was a rookie mistake," she said, walking inside and closing the door behind her.
Isaac leaned back in his chair, looking almost amused. "And what exactly did you figure out, April? Did you find my parking ticket from five years ago?"
His smug attitude thrilled her. The cockier he was, the harder he would fall when she took him down.
"Oh, don't play dumb with me, Isaac. I know everything," she said, her voice dripping with confidence. "I know about your little donation to Stay Green and your partnership with councilman Sanchez. You thought you could scare me into shutting down my business, but you messed with the wrong woman."
Isaac's face paled slightly, a flicker of fear passing through his eyes. "I'm not sure what you're talking about," he said, his voice laced with false innocence. "It's public knowledge that I gave to his business. He's an old friend."
"An old friend that would lie for you," April sat down opposite of him and leaned towards his desk. "You gave him that donation so he would try and take me down. That's the only reason you would ever do anything for someone else. You're the most selfish person I've ever had the displeasure of meeting."
Isaac chuckled, his eyes still trying to convey innocence. "I don't know what kind of conspiracy theories you're entertaining, April. But I assure you, I have nothing to do with any of this."
April smirked. "Okay, let's say that you didn't conspire to shut down my business. That doesn't add up to the lies I've been sent from Sanchez's office."
He fiddled with his hands in his lap, looking for a place to put them. For the first time, Isaac seemed off of his game. And April was loving it.
"There has been a misunderstanding," he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. "Sanchez and I made an agreement that was beneficial to both parties."