Page 1 of Santa's Baby
Tonight was the last night of the cruise. The last night of celebration for passing the bar exam and her new job at a prestigious law firm in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Amelia Miller’s career as an attorney began on Monday.
So tonight, she and her friend Taylor were going to dance until they had to be carried to their cabin.
They sat in the main bar on the cruise ship and the DJ was playing all of her favorite songs. She hadn’t danced this much since she’d been in college.
With a glance, she looked up as a man stopped at her table and smiled at her. They had been casting glances at each other all week and she’d been surprised to see him here tonight. She’d been waiting for him to approach her and finally tonight, he was taking that chance.
There was something about his eyes that sent a shiver through her. A delicious warmth spread through her and she couldn’t contain the smile on her face.
“Would you dance with me?” he asked.
How could she deny those sparkling green irises that twinkled with merriment, the long dark lashes that lay against his cheeks, and the full lips that beckoned her?
“Of course,” she said.
When they reached the dance floor, she realized he was good, really good, as he spun her around in a double two-step. The feel of his arms around her felt wonderful, and her pheromones pinged when she breathed in his natural scent. His cologne was a tempting aphrodisiac.
“You’re an excellent dancer,” she said as they walked off the floor, arm in arm.
“Thank you,” he said. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“Please,” she said and she returned to their table. Taylor, her bestie all through law school, was out on the dance floor, and soon he returned with two drinks in hand.
He sank down beside her.
“You’ve been staring at me all week,” she said. “I kept waiting for you to approach me.”
Grinning, he picked up her hand. “Yes, I’m attracted to you, but I had to work up my courage to come talk to someone as beautiful as you.”
The man had a way with words.
“What’s your name?” she asked.
“See, I didn’t even bother to tell you my name,” he said. “Ryan.”
“Amelia,” she replied. “Come on, let’s dance again.”
They got up from the table, and this time, the DJ spun a slow song. One that had her wrapping her arms around his neck and settling in close to him. Tonight was her last chance and she wanted to spend it in someone’s arms.
For over two years, she’d done nothing but study, and she deserved to feel a man’s arms around her, snuggle into his embrace, and enjoy his manly aroma.
Now, all the months of studying were behind her, and until she’d passed the bar exam, she’d not let herself relax and have fun.
At the end of the song, he took her by the hand. “Care to walk the deck with me? It’s not quite so noisy and we could talk.”
Oh, she wanted to do more with this man than just talk. She wanted to taste those big full lips of his. Run her fingers through his dark hair and explore his chest to see if those muscles were as tight as they felt when he held her.
“Let me tell my friend,” she said, pulling him to the table, still holding his hand. She wasn’t letting this handsome hunk of man get away from her.
Leaning down, she whispered in Taylor’s ear. “See you in the morning.”
“Do you have your phone on you?”