Page 17 of Most Eligible Boss
I felt her body tense between me. She clenched, sending a sensation through mine that brought me barreling quickly toward my own satisfying finish.
I kissed her passionately as both our bodies achieved ecstasy together, then collapsed beside her, breathless.
She curled up under my arm with a satisfied giggle as I reached down, removing the condom and tying it off before tossing it into the bedside trash bin.
“Can I sleep in here with you tonight?” she asked adorably as if there was ever any doubt.
“Of course, you can. After all that, I may never let you out of my sight.”
Chapter Nine
LyingbesideJeremyonthe crisp hotel sheets, our bodies remained intertwined in a comfortable and soothing embrace. We lay there, his arm enveloping me as I nestled my head against his chest, listening attentively to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
"I never expected any of this," Jeremy confessed, his voice low and brimming with sincerity. "I never imagined I would even consider being in a relationship, let alone feel such intensity for someone from work."
I lifted my head to meet his gaze, overwhelmed with affection for this man resting beside me. His eyes were gentle, and an endearing vulnerability in his expression melted my heart. It was a side of him that very few had the privilege of witnessing, and I cherished every moment we shared.
"Life has a way of surprising us," I replied softly, tracing gentle circles on his chest with my fingers. "Sometimes, the most unexpected occurrences turn out to be exceedingly beautiful... but I must admit, your mention of wanting a relationship caught me off guard. Is that something you’re really considering?"
He smiled, a smile radiating through his eyes, causing me to mirror it immediately. "Absolutely!" he exclaimed playfully while giving me a tight squeeze. "Meeting you has been one of the most wonderful surprises of my life."
With a contented sigh, I snuggled even closer to him, feeling the warmth emanating from his body. I looked at the clock by the bed and noticed it was now well past midnight. We should sleep, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to continue talking. I was eager to make plans for our future together and discuss how we would navigate through potential challenges and gossip circulating around the office. I knew there would be questions regarding how this all came to be. I knew we would have to handle Stacey's intrusive behavior and pointed interrogations.
Anxiety washed over me at the prospect of telling Stacey about us. She seemed so preoccupied with Jeremy maintaining some stoic persona to effectively manage the business that I often questioned whether she genuinely cared about his happiness. I was sure that this situation would eventually lead to a confrontation with her.
Shaking off these thoughts, I resolved to address them all later. For now, I wanted to bask in the glow of our moment together, sleeping in the same bed. I tried to soak up the warmth of Jeremy, finally confessing how he felt for me.
All that truly mattered was the warmth of his strong arms around me and the sound of his heartbeat, as it promised a future filled with infinite possibilities.
As I closed my eyes, I whispered. "Goodnight, Jeremy."
He pressed a tender kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight, Jill."
With that final exchange, I surrendered myself to the embrace of sleep, feeling the weight of the day gradually fade away, knowing deep within that I was exactly where I belonged—in the arms of the man who had surprised me most beautifully.
As sleep fell over me, my mind danced with thoughts of Jeremy and our newfound connection.
I free-fell gently into a dream.
Jeremy and I strolled hand in hand back into our office building. Our smiles radiated with an overwhelming joy that could no longer be concealed. The burden of our unspoken attraction finally gave way to a profound connection that had sparked between us on this trip to Boston. We were unafraid of the gossip and prepared to share our status as a couple with our colleagues. Nothing could stand in our way.
As we entered the office space, though, we felt the energy in the building shift. The once bustling workspace fell into a hush as curious eyes approached us. Their combined gaze was heavy, but instead of feeling self-conscious, I stood tall. My heart overflowed with affection for the man standing beside me.
Jeremy squeezed my hand reassuringly, showing his silent support. We proceeded toward the center of the office, where Jeremy planned to address the crowd and take a moment to announce our news and his expectation of respect for me going forward.
Yet, just as he was about to share our joy with our colleagues, a sudden disturbance shattered the silence in the lobby. The office doors swung open with a thunderous crash, and my heart sank as I laid eyes upon him—Cole, my controlling and irrational ex.
Cole appeared even more formidable and menacing. His eyes glowed with a frigid malice fueled by his contempt for me. Stepping forward, he unleashed a verbal assault.
"You're nothing but a fraud, Jill," he sneered, his words echoing through the silence. "Incompetent for your position, unworthy of life in New York City. You're merely pretending; everyone here is foolish enough to fall for it. You’ve never been anything, and you never will be."
The words lingered like a dark, oppressive cloud while the room's mood shifted. I looked around and saw that my co-worker’s expressions had transformed from confusion to condemnation. Eyes slanted in
Deep down, I knew that irreparable damage had been done. Cole's words struck a chord within me, awakening insecurities I had believed I was healing from. At that very moment, I felt exposed, vulnerable, and utterly powerless. I looked at Jeremy. He shook his head sadly and turned away from me.
As the dream continued, hostility permeated the office space like a virus. Colleagues whom I had once considered friends turned their backs on me—their trust shattered by Cole's manipulative words. What was once a welcoming environment had morphed into a battleground where doubt and suspicion intersected, leaving me caught in the crossfire.