Page 21 of Most Eligible Boss
Our silence felt even more painful once in the car in close quarters. I pulled my phone from my pocket for a distraction and started texting Aleshia.
Me: Hey! What’s up?
Aleshia: Hey there, girl! Not a lot. Just Door-Dashed some orange chicken. About to binge-watch something sappy. How's Boston treating you?
Me: It's been quite a rollercoaster.
Aleshia: Spill.
Me: Well... Jeremy and I spent last night together.
Aleshia: Woah! Like TOGETHER, together?
Me: Yep. It was amazing.
Aleshia: WHAT?!? I knew it! I knew you’d wind up together!
Me: Yeah. He woke me up this morning with breakfast in bed and my clothes for the conference already pressed. He’s amazing and sweet and not at all what you’d expect. I’m really into him.
Aleshia: That’s great!
Me: There’s more, though. It’s not all great.
Aleshia: What’s going on?
Me: The conference was disastrous, to put it lightly, and I feel like I let Jeremy down.
Aleshia: Oh no, what happened?
Me: I froze during my presentation, and he had to step in. He has been patient with me, but I can tell he’s disappointed.
Aleshia: Well, you know what they say about men, right?
My brow furrowed in confusion; unsure of where exactly Aleshia was going with this line of thought. Nevertheless, I eagerly awaited any advice she could offer.
Me: And what might they say?
Aleshia: Men are simple creatures, Jill. Get him back in bed. Show him a little love and watch as everything else fades away. Trust me on this.
As I read her response, I stifled a chuckle, not wanting Jeremy to know I was talking about him. Aleshia had an impressive ability to simplify complex situations, but she might be right this time.
Me: Thank you, Aleshia. I'll give it a try. Hopefully, he’s receptive. I’ve been embarrassed enough today.
Aleshia: Anytime, girlfriend! You've got this! Don’t be silly! He’ll be receptive. You’re hot!
The car pulled to a stop outside the hotel, and we both got out, entering the lobby together. As we got on the elevator up to our rooms, I turned toward Jeremy. With a voice laced with sincerity, I tried my best to make things better. "Jeremy, I understand that today did not go as well as we’d hoped, and I deeply apologize for my part in that. I’d never spoken in front of such a large crowd before- at least not in person. I should have prepared myself better.”
"It is not your fault, Jill," he sighed. "I should have prepared you better, too. I’m the boss, and we’re a team. You weren’t ready, and I pushed you."
I gently placed my hand over his own, offering a light squeeze.
The elevator door opened, and we walked off together. He slowly pulled his hand away from mine as we walked down the hallway.
"Jeremy, I know I keep apologizing, but I can’t say it enough. I want you to know how much your support today means to me. You were absolutely incredible stepping in during the presentation, and I'm truly sorry for freezing up."
"Jill, stop already,” he said. His voice sounded frustrated again. “There's no need for you to keep apologizing. Just do better next time."
Keeping Aleshia's advice in mind, I leaned closer and softly kissed his cheek. His surprise melted into a genuine smile as he leaned into me momentarily. I could feel the tension between us begin to melt away.