Page 29 of Most Eligible Boss
Finally, Jeremy broke the silence, his voice conveying a gentle reassurance. "Jill, I just want you to know I've missed you."
His words sent a delightful shiver down my spine, and a wave of warmth and relief washed over me. I had missed him, too, and hearing him express that feeling caused my heart to swell. However, I still felt the sting of how we left things in Boston at the conference.
Jeremy picked up on my apprehension and continued, “I can’t express enough how sorry I am for my behavior at the hotel and how I’ve been treating you the past few weeks. I let my concern about what others would think at the office affect how I felt for you. I realize now how horrible you must’ve felt after we had such a great connection the night before.”
I took a deep breath to settle my racing thoughts.
“Jeremy, it was more than just a connection for me. I felt used. You made it seem as though we were going to move forward as a couple. I trusted you and gave you my heart and body that night. Then, when you were so attentive and loving the next morning, it only solidified my feelings for you. I mean, I know I messed up the presentation. I’m so embarrassed about how that went, and I know I let you down professionally, but I didn’t think it would affect our relationship personally.”
“You’re absolutely right on all accounts,” he admitted. “I got scared, and I take responsibility for all that’s happened. Please let me try and make it up to you... if you are willing to give me another chance.
"Well, I have missed you," I confessed softly, my voice barely above a whisper.
Jeremy took a step closer, closing the distance between us. His hand reached out, fingertips brushing against mine in a tender gesture. It was a simple touch, yet it ignited an electric surge within me - a longing building steadily between us.
As our eyes remained locked, our tension seemed to reach a crescendo. It was as if the walls we had erected around ourselves to protect our hearts were crumbling away in plain view, exposing us to one another.
Jeremy's hand slipped into mine, his touch offering comfort and reassurance as he guided me to a cozy seating area within his office, where we settled down together, our fingers still entwined. In that moment, after what felt like an eternity of uncertainty, hope and possibility stirred in me once again.
“There was a woman,” I blurted out. “A tall blonde? I saw you with her outside the building one day. She hugged you. Who was that?”
Jeremy smirked.
“My sister,” he said. “She was in town visiting. There’s been nobody since you. I couldn’t even think about it.”
I smiled, feeling content as I sank into the plush leather sofa.
"I've missed you so much, Jeremy," I confessed, my voice soft yet genuine. "Every day since things fell apart, I thought about coming in here and talking to you, but I was angry and hurt by you. Then I saw you with her and thought the worst and decided to try to move on, but I can’t. It has been driving me to the brink of insanity."
Jeremy's eyes remained fixed on mine, filled with relief and affection. "Jill, I've been feeling the same way," he admitted. "Not a single day passed where I wasn’t quietly obsessing over you and wondering what you were up to and who you might be getting to know."
“There’s been nobody for me, either,” I admitted.
Between us brewed a profound connection that had been burgeoning beneath the surface. It felt like we had been leading parallel lives, unable to escape the gravitational pull of our feelings for one another.
"I tried to distance myself and focus on work," Jeremy continued, his voice tinged with regret. "But it only highlighted how much I truly wanted to be around you. I realized one day that I was only coming into the office on weekends because I hoped I’d run into you."
I nodded in agreement, overwhelmed by emotion.
The air around us crackled with electricity. Our desires and yearnings laid bare. It was as though we had finally given voice to the emotions that had simmered beneath the surface, waiting for an opportune moment to emerge.
Jeremy leaned in closer, his lips close to mine. "Jill, I want us to give this a shot, you and me," he whispered, his breath warming my skin.
Meeting his lips with mine, we shared a kiss laden with longing - an expression of unspoken desires- of the connection that had blossomed between us and the hope for something more.
As we pulled away, our foreheads pressed against one another as we caught our breaths.
"Jeremy, I want to take that chance, too – on us."
At that moment, as our hearts beat in sync, we knew that our journey was beginning. Our feelings for one another had grown too strong to be ignored any longer, and hand in hand, we were prepared to leap into the unknown together—partners not only in work but also in love.
Our lips met again, except this time it was different. It felt like the first, but only better. The feeling of desire that had been caged for so long escaped all at once.
Jeremy’s arms tightened around me as our tongues played a game of constant tag. This kiss was filled with everything from longing to intense emotions.
Soon, between kisses, we were both panting as our bodies moved in unison. The attraction between us was undeniable.
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” Jeremy said, his voice deep with desire.