Page 33 of Most Eligible Boss
Time seemed to stand still, and I was thankful we could revel in this sacred moment.
"I've missed you," Jeremy murmured, his voice tender like the caress of his fingers running through my hair.
Looking up at him, I tilted my head with a soft smile. "I missed you, too," I admitted, my heart overflowing with affection. Our connection had always been undeniable- an irresistible force that continued to draw us together despite the risks and challenges we faced.
He brushed away a strand of hair from my face. His touch was delicate yet filled with unspoken longing. "Jill, what we have is extraordinary. It’s honestly unlike anything I've ever experienced before with anyone else. I’ve never connected to someone so strongly."
Smiling, he pressed a tender kiss on my forehead. His lips lingered on my skin, then he pulled away, again looking me in the eyes.
“I don’t want to have to hide this,” I said nervously- almost afraid he wouldn’t agree. “I know it’s going to be hard, and people will say things they shouldn’t and judge it harshly, but I feel we can handle that. I want us to make a real effort, and the only way to do that is to be completely open and honest about what we have, which means with ourselves and other people.”
A gentle smile spread across his face as he nodded in agreement. "I want that, too,” he said. “More than anything. We will tell everyone soon. I need to talk to Stacey first. We need to make sure we do this correctly."
I nodded, understanding.
Time drifted by as we continued to talk about the future, expressing our innermost desires for how we hoped our relationship would evolve. The office walls, which bore witness to our growing affection for each other since the day we first met, now absorbed the echoes of our whispered plotting to become a couple officially.
However, reality inevitably encroached upon our intimate cocoon, prompting Jeremy to withdraw from me reluctantly. "I should check my email," he regretfully admitted. “I’m sure Stacey and everyone’s pissed I wasn’t in that meeting. I’m shocked they aren’t here taking the door off the hinges yet.”
Understanding that our time hiding in his office couldn’t go on forever, I chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Of course," I said as I put my blouse back on.
I picked my underwear off the floor and entered Jeremy’s tiny private bathroom to tidy myself up.
Jeremy rose to his feet and retrieved his laptop, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the screen. As he dressed, he maneuvered the touchpad, opening his inbox. His expression shifted from contentment to concern as he read his new messages.
"There's a message from Stacey," he said with a hint of worry. "They want me to come down and review those company policies. She doesn’t seem happy- asks if I’ve seen you around anywhere."
My brow furrowed as my worries surfaced. "Do you think she suspects something?"
Before Jeremy could answer, an insistent knock reverberated on his office door. Surprise and annoyance both flickered in his eyes as he glanced at me.
Panicked, I scrambled to shut the private bathroom door, hoping to remain hidden from prying eyes. Jeremy followed suit swiftly and silently, checking himself in the mirror behind the drink cupboard and smoothing his hair. The plush carpeting muffled his footsteps as he did his best to quickly become presentable.
He rushed to the door and cautiously opened it just enough to allow someone entry while maintaining a polite facade. Holding my breath, my heart thumping against my chest, I awaited the unfolding conversation from the other side of the door.
Though unable to hear their exact words, Jeremy's tone implied that he could hang onto his professional demeanor. Yet an undeniable tension hung heavy in the air, leaving me wondering if our clandestine activities had been discovered.
Minutes dragged on like hours as I waited in silence. Worries and fears raced through my mind. Had someone heard us? Was our hidden afternoon delight on the verge of exposure?
Eventually, the conversation outside ended, and Jeremy returned to the bathroom door, pulling it open to let me know the coast was clear. His expression was a mixture of relief and anxiety.
He didn't speak immediately, carefully choosing his words.
"It's alright," he whispered at last, barely audible. "They're gone."
Releasing a breath, I hadn't realized I'd been holding; I nodded gratefully. We stood together in the dimly lit office. The weight of our secret was still pressing on us.
“Did they… did they hear?” I asked in a whisper. My heart was still racing from the panic surrounding the sudden intrusion.
Jeremy took in a deep breath, keeping his gaze locked onto mine. “No, I don’t think so.” He replied in a reassuring tone. “It was Stacey and Donna from HR. They were asking why I wasn’t at the meeting. I told them I got caught up in other work, forgot about it, and was not feeling well. I kept our conversation short. I told them I was pretty sure I’d picked up a stomach virus, so they wouldn’t want to hang around too long. We should be alright, but we must sneak you out of here. If they ask, you’ve been to a dentist's appointment and just got back. Okay?”
He moved closer and cradled my cheek as he leaned in for a gentle, long-lasting kiss. It was silent reassurance in his eyes that our connection was worth every single risk.
The rest of the world disappeared into oblivion again for those few moments, but reality snapped us back from our dreams when he pulled away slowly.
“We should stop,” he whispered with regret lacing his voice. “Not forever. Just for now. I have to hurry up and send out emails about the missed meeting, or they’ll really start to suspect something’s up.”
I mustered another nod, but it felt like my heart was breaking at the thought of separating, even for a little while.