Page 40 of Most Eligible Boss
AfterAleshiacameandgot me from the restaurant, I came home and immediately went to bed. I lay there with thoughts of my past with Cole, and the nights I spent beating myself up about what I could have done differently. In this case, though, I did nothing wrong, and Jeremy assumed something. And ran away. I was furious at him. I will not be second-guessing my actions tonight, and I was hoping he would be.
I woke up to the soft light of street lamps casting shadows in my room. The room was quiet, with no sound but the hum of the night. As I blinked away the last bit of sleep, I slowly became more aware of why I had woken up.
A chill went down my spine as I realized something wasn’t right. My heart began skipping beats, and I felt my hair standing on end. Outside my apartment sat a parked car, illuminating the darkness with its headlights. My body froze as panic poured into me. I didn’t dare move a single muscle.
Straining myself to hear anything outside, my ears were filled with nothing but the sound of leaves rustling in the wind. But then there was a presence- an aura that hung heavy around me like it was waiting for something. Fear began to grip me again when I thought about what that could mean — Cole. It could be him lurking out there.
My gaze moved toward the window, but I couldn’t find the courage to rise and peer outside. The thought of confronting him terrified me. I knew very well how dark he was capable of becoming when angered.
I lay there for agonizing minutes, feeling every beat of my heart throughout my body while clutched in unbearable suspense. The lights dimmed out of the corner of my eye, allowing darkness to paint over everything again, bringing an odd comfort.
Only then did I find some courage to inch closer to the window, shaking fingers parting curtains just enough to glimpse and see the car begin to drive off and their retreating taillights. The road was empty once again, with no shadows hiding anything.
As I lay back in bed, knowing that whatever danger had passed, I couldn’t help but feel a little shaken and on edge.
It had been a long night traveling home in the subway, worried about who might be following me. The paranoia caused by Cole’s text was taking a toll.
I laid there, anxious, until my body mercifully forced itself back to sleep.
The first rays of morning sunlight cascaded into my bedroom, enveloping my disheveled sheets in a comforting, golden sheen.
I relished in the warmth and security of my bed, grateful for having returned home safely after the tumultuous dinner with Jeremy.
However, this fleeting sense of tranquility was abruptly shattered by a persistent, thunderous pounding on my door that reverberated through my apartment. My heart raced as I hastily pulled myself out of bed. Who could be causing such a commotion at this ungodly hour?
In a flurry, I threw on a robe and cautiously approached the front door, my every step betraying an underlying unease. The knocking grew increasingly loud, sending shivers down my spine. With trembling hands, I unlocked the door and cracked it open slightly, peering out with caution.
My heart sank when I saw him standing there, his eyes ablaze with raw anger. It was Cole.
The man I had desperately fought to escape.
"I just want to talk, Jill," he pleaded, his voice straining with desperation.
My throat tightened, and I gripped the door's edge tightly, struggling to find my nerve amidst the chaos inside me.
"I have no desire to speak to you, Cole. I don’t know how you got my address, but you cannot be here. Please leave."
He remained obstinate, his face contorted with anger and self-pity. He pressed against the door forcefully in an attempt to gain entry, and I panicked, screaming out for help.
That was when I heard Aleshia running from the stairwell. "Hey! What is happening out here?" she called out irritably.
Cole froze upon hearing her voice. His eyes darted toward her. Aleshia had always been swift to intervene in any disturbance in our building. Her reputation as a no-nonsense neighbor is well-established.
Aleshia stepped closer, her arms crossed, as she confronted the situation head-on. "I suggest you leave before I call the cops," she warned, her eyes fixed firmly on Cole.
He glared at Aleshia momentarily. However, he seemed to know she was serious. With one last lingering look in my direction, he turned abruptly and stormed off, vanishing down the hall. We listened to the front door of the building swing open and slam shut behind him; then, I let out a long sigh of relief.
Aleshia walked over to me. "Are you alright, Jill?"
I nodded weakly, my hands still trembling. "Yes... thanks to you."
Aleshia offered a reassuring smile. "Anytime, girl. You know I've got your back. But seriously, consider filing a police report. That guy is bad news."
I hesitated momentarily, torn between fearing what might unfold next and the looming responsibilities awaiting me at work. Having already missed a day due to the chaos of the conference debacle, I couldn't afford any further absences.
"I'll think about it," I replied uncertainly, my voice quivering. "But for now, I need to get ready for work. These past few days have been insane with Jeremy, and I don’t want to let him down today."
Aleshia nodded. "Alright then, but promise me you will at least think about it. Your safety should be your top priority. Not work and not Jeremy."