Page 48 of Most Eligible Boss
Thefollowingday,inmy bedroom, Jill and I stood, preparing to go out for breakfast before work. As we both dressed, my eyes would often stray towards her. Her presence held an irresistible allure, akin to a magnetic force, for me. I glanced between her body and the bedside clock, my heart aching that there would be no time for a round three.
How she moved and smiled—everything about her was captivating as she re-dressed in her clothes from the day before. Although she’d washed them, I’d need to take her home to change after breakfast, or she’d be forced to face the office crowd’s scrutiny should anyone recognize her outfit from the day before.
As I watched her, a whirlwind of thoughts stormed through my mind- thoughts I had tried to suppress until only the evening before.
Gradually, over the last several months, it had become apparent that I was falling head over heels in love with Jill, and this realization had once terrified me. Thanks to the deep emotional wounds of my previous relationship, I did not believe I would ever overcome the mental and emotional scarring of my past. The mere notion of exposing myself to such vulnerability again filled me with trepidation.
Yet, when I looked at Jill, those fears seemed to fade entirely. There was something extraordinary about her- something that made me want to take a leap of faith. Her warmth and kindness were both disarming and genuine.
Our eyes met as she turned towards me, and hers flickered with a glimmer of uncertainty. Did she feel what I felt? Could she feel the unspoken emotions that tugged at the strings of my heart?
Together, she and I had built an unbreakable bond that had grown stronger and bigger than anything I’d ever imagined.
I had known from the moment I met her that she was different. The day she’d first walked into the office, I’d felt a rush of something when my eyes first landed on her. At the time, I couldn’t put a label on it.
But it was knowing.
When I first looked at her, I knew she was the woman who had come to turn my world upside down, and I couldn’t get enough of her fast enough from that moment on.
But love can’t be rushed-it requires time to blossom and mature into something enduring and beautiful. Over the last few months, I had slowly resolved to cherish every moment I got with Jill, and this had allowed our connection to deepen naturally, unburdened by the weight of any expectations for a future together. We had always existed in the moment; every moment with her was more beautiful than the last.
When we were both ready, we drove together to the restaurant. As I drove, I held her hand in mine, and we ventured out into the world for the first time as an official couple. The idea of putting a label on our relationship had once terrified me, but with her at my side, I now felt like nothing could ever go wrong between us. I was not only unafraid to tell people that I had fallen in love. I was ready to claim it- and to show it off to anyone who looked our way.
Together, we enjoyed a delightful breakfast. The atmosphere in the restaurant was light and carefree as the restaurant buzzed with morning activity, and the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. To the untrained eye, it was an ordinary morning made extraordinary by Jill's presence.
But it was not ordinary. When the waitress asked to serve us, I gestured to a table in the middle of the crowded room and said, “This would be fine.”
The waitress happily seated us as Jill’s eyes, wide with surprise, looked into mine.
“No corner booth?” she asked.
“I don’t feel like hiding today,” I said with a smile.
As we savored our dishes, we talked and laughed, recalling stories of our first meals in corner booths at diners and cafes we had visited. In our words, there was a warmth—an acknowledgment of the connection that seemed to grow stronger with every outing.
As our plates were cleared, Jill mentioned that she needed to return home briefly to change clothes and apply her makeup. Without hesitation, I reassured her gently, "No worries, baby. Let’s go- and take your time. Being slightly late for work doesn’t really matter. I know you’ll catch the day up. You always do- and the rest of them will be fine without me for a little bit."
We paid the bill and stepped out into the morning sunlight. The city around us hummed with activity as commuters bustled energetically toward their respective destinations. Yet, in that moment, it was as if time slowed down just for us.
We got back in the car and headed to Jill’s neighborhood. Hand in hand, we cruised the city streets, taking in the simple pleasure of one another's presence. These were the moments I had found that I cherished most in my newfound connection with this beautiful woman from Ohio. I kept glancing at her, admiring her grace and how she navigated every moment of her life with purpose.
As we exited the car at her apartment building, Jill turned towards me and spoke softly, "Thank you for bringing me here. Can you wait outside? I haven’t cleaned my apartment in a few days and don’t want you to see it right now. I promise I won't be long."
With a laugh, a nod, and a reassuring squeeze of her hand, I answered, "Take all the time you need, sweetheart. I'll be here when you're ready."
She disappeared into the building while I waited outside, leaning against its structure—alone with my thoughts. I was still a little worried about whether Cole left, and I was happy to have her in my house last night for our lovemaking and to keep an eye on her. I reflected on the previous few weeks. They had been full of their ups and downs. It felt like we’d been on a roller coaster. Here we were, though- safe and happy at the end. Ready for the next ride.
My mind wandered back to our stolen kisses and sweet embraces—the moments we shared that built such an unbreakable bond. In that serene morning stillness, I realized I was falling deeply in love with Jill.
I watched the cars pass before me, and life continued around me. But I was in a trance. Thoughts raced about our future together, and a smile spread across my face.
Lost in my thoughts, I remained propped against the building, awaiting the return of the woman who held my heart captive.
I was startled out of those thoughts by the sounds of a woman screaming. I recognized the voice to be Jill’s right away. I darted up the stairs to her apartment and found the door slightly open.
As I entered, I noticed everything seemed intact, and the screaming had stopped. Perhaps I had made a mistake. Would she be upset if she saw me here, I wondered. Things didn’t feel right, though. I continued to step silently through the apartment. The bedroom door was closed. I yelled, “Jill? Is everything alright?”
No answer.