Page 51 of Most Eligible Boss
Despite this curiosity surrounding us, I did not feel scared or embarrassed by the glances and whispers. I was perfectly content with Jill by my side.
As the morning progressed, my happiness became increasingly apparent to the others at work. Many of our colleagues took notice and couldn’t help but mention it.
"Jeremy, you are just glowing today," Lisa, one of the designers from the marketing department, remarked playfully while passing by my office.
“It’s called joy, Lisa!” I called back, teasing her.
Lisa raised an intrigued eyebrow, "Oh?” she asked, mocking surprise. “Care to share what’s made you so happy suddenly?"
"Let's just say I've found something or... someone who lights up my world."
Lisa's eyes twinkled as she offered an encouraging nod. "Well, Jeremy, I am genuinely happy for you. You deserve every ounce of happiness in this world, and Jill seems like an amazing person."
Similar conversations unfolded throughout the morning as more colleagues made their observations known. The whispers and glances continued unabated, yet I welcomed them with newfound confidence. My happiness was undeniable. It was a testament to the transformative power of Jill’s unyielding love.
As the day went on, stolen glances were cast toward Jill as we passed each other in the hallway, gently allowing our hands to brush against one another as we crossed paths. Her presence brought joy and positivity into my life, and I eagerly anticipated our newest journey.
The corporate world's deadlines and office politics gradually faded into the background as my thoughts centered on the woman who had captured my heart. I vowed to enjoy every moment of this beautiful new life that Jill and I built together.
The sun's warmth filled the office, casting a gentle glow and reminding me that the lunch hour would soon be upon us. The curious glances and hushed whispers from colleagues had become part of the day's familiar backdrop, and I grew increasingly at ease with the attention.
Engrossed in my work, I didn’t even realize when Stacey walked into my office. “Jeremy!” she called out. I saw her staring back at me with a playful smile.
"Man, you've got everyone buzzing," she laughed, raising her eyebrows at me.
I chuckled softly, realizing that news of mine and Jill’s now open affection for one another had circulated up the office grapevine.
She almost cackled as she continued. "So, spill the beans. What did you do on your couple days off?"
“She needed some time away from here,” I said calmly. “After that mess with her ex, I thought seeing the city would do her some good. She hadn’t even been to see the Statue of Liberty yet. We took it all in. Then we went back to my place. It isn’t that exciting."
Stacey could hardly contain her enthusiasm as she grabbed my arm. "That's fantastic, though, Jeremy! I'm actually thrilled for both of you. You deserve all the happiness in this world, and I’ve hoped for a long time you’d meet someone who could put that smile back on your face. I love seeing you like this!"
Her genuine excitement for us warmed my heart, and I realized that openly sharing my feelings for Jill was the right decision. I had been worried about how office politics might get in the way if our relationship became known. Now, I understood that she and I were met with overwhelming support from the people we worked with- even Stacey, who I feared would be our biggest combatant.
As the day continued, Jill and I would often exchange knowing glances in silent acknowledgment of how well-received the news of our relationship had been, after all.
I no longer shied away from the attention or prying questions. Instead, I wore my happiness like a badge of honor—a testament to love's transformative power and the incredible small-town woman who had walked into the office one day and stolen my heart.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Asthedayprogressed,I couldn't help but notice the secretive glances and hushed conversations that had become a seemingly constant presence in the office. It was evident that Jeremy and I had become the central topic of office news, and though it was slightly disconcerting, I refused to let it dampen my spirits.
When lunchtime arrived, I took a moment to check my phone. As I unlocked the screen, a notification caught my eye—a message from my old friend, Amy, back in Ohio. We hadn't spoken in a while, so I was intrigued to see what she wanted.
Amy: Hey Jill, I heard Cole came to New York bugging you. Cole is back in Ohio now. I saw him at the coffee shop this morning. I don’t think he’ll annoy you anymore.
My heart skipped a beat as those words sank in. Cole had officially crawled back under his rock like the rot of the earth he is. After everything that had happened between us and the horrible last couple of days, news of his return to our hometown was music to my ears.
I swiftly wrote a response to Amy, thanking her for the update and assuring her that I was okay. His presence had been more of an annoyance than a threat.
After putting away my phone, a sense of closure washed over me. Cole's return to Ohio marked the end of an era—an important albeit horrible chapter in my life had finally come to a close. Gratitude swelled within me for Jeremy's unwavering support and old and new friends who had helped me find the necessary strength to forge ahead.
With this newfound peace and the knowledge that my past no longer held me captive, I redirected my focus toward making my way to Jeremy’s office to begin our planned lunch date.
I found him, instead, in the hallway near the lobby, patiently waiting for me. A smile spread across his face at the sight of me approaching, and without hesitation, he greeted me warmly with a heartfelt, "Hey, babe!"