Page 23 of Own Me
“Or whatever her real name is.”
“Now? How did she even know we came home?” I didn’t see her sitting in the lobby area. I would have remembered her.
His frown grows deeper. “She must have been watching the building from the outside, waiting for me to come home. Who knows how long she’s been sitting there.”
Hours, maybe. And what if we had come in through the parking garage? Her efforts would have been all for nothing.
“Is this a good idea?” While the teenage girl didn’t appear to be a threat, looks can be deceiving, and this whole situation reeks of desperation.
“Probably not, but she told security she’d wait outside for the reporters to come back and then cause a huge scene if they didn’t let her up to see me.”
I groan. “That’s all we need.”
“My thoughts exactly.” Henry sheds his jacket and tosses it on the hook. “It’ll be fine. Sullivan’s escorting her. How much trouble can she cause with him here?”
A moment later, the elevator dings. I hold my breath as we watch Violet step out, her shoulders hunched within a black hoodie, the hem of her blue jeans dragging across the travertine marble floor. A ponytail gives her a more youthful appearance.
Her wide blue eyes skitter over the grand penthouse foyer with lightning speed before settling on Henry and me.
She lookssofamiliar, but I can’t place it.
“Hello again. Violet, is it?” Henry asks cordially.
She lifts her chin as if steeling her nerve and casts a glare at Sullivan. “Do these Neanderthals searcheveryonebefore they’re allowed up here, or is it just innocent girls you’re afraid of?”
She doesn’t seem terrified of him this time, at least.
Henry’s piercing gaze holds her.
I used to shrink under that attention before I got to know him. What I would give to read his mind right now.
“Sullivan, that’ll be all,” he says smoothly, never releasing Violet from his sight.
The security guard disappears into the elevator.
Henry folds his arms over his chest and takes a casual stance, leaning against the wall. “Do you meaninnocentgirls who loiter outside my building and threaten to cause scenes? Orinnocentgirls who lie about who they are?”
Alarm flashes across Violet’s expression. “So you know who I am?”
Henry pauses as if to consider his answer. “I don’t think you’re Scott’s daughter.”
“You’re right, I’m not.” She hesitates. “I’m yours.”
Henry blinks several times, the only sign that she’s caught him off guard. “So now we’re playing this game, are we?” he says, his voice edged with cold calm.
“It’s not a game. You’re my father.”
“And yet I was your uncle only minutes ago.”
I study her more closely.
Her blue eyes …
Her jawline …
The shape of her nose …
A sick feeling swirls in my stomach as a voice inside my head confirms what I saw but couldn’t see.She looks like him.