Page 108 of A Little Twist
“She’s four.” Defensiveness rises in my tone. “She’s a strong, independent little girl.”
“Her father spoils her, I’m sure. Single dads always spoil their children, especially daughters.”
Inhaling slowly, I remind myself I’m working on forgiveness.
“Alex loves her very much. He might not be as strict with her as he could be, but what’s wrong with a father doting on his only child?”
“A lot.” She waves a hand, shaking her head. “Never mind, it’s none of my business to tell you how to live your life. You’ve always known better than me.”
I won’t be baited. “Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and let you know what was happening.” Hesitating, I think about how I want to say this. “And I wanted to thank you for taking care of me. After my mother left, I mean. I’m sure it wasn’t easy, and having an extra person adds expense…”
Her back stiffens as if she’s surprised. “It’s what family does.”
“I know.” Nodding, I carefully close the space between us. My aunt and I have never been affectionate, but I carefully extend my hand. “Still, I wanted to say thank you. And I love you.”
Clearing her throat, her shoulders move as if she’s unsure what to do. “Well, of course. I love you as well.”
I don’t know where to go from here, so I pat her back. “I’ll keep you posted about the wedding details.”
“Thank you.” The smallest hint of softness enters her voice. “Best wishes, Cassidy. Your mother would be very proud of you.”
It hurts my chest, and I look down, blinking away the heat in my eyes. “I appreciate that.”
I pooped today!
The bumper sticker is a black circle with a white stick figure doing a spread-eagle jump, and I almost snort coffee through my nose.
Looking around the empty parking lot, I retrace all my steps since leaving the house this morning. With a cringe, I remember stopping by the school to drop off Pinky’s vaccination records before heading to the distillery.
Swiping up my phone, I tap out a quick text.
I pooped today?
Her reply is quick.
Regularity is so important.
What happened to Buckle up with Jesus?
It’s where I expected her to go after my last one.
Gray dots precede her reply.
It was time to give religion a rest.
You’re in trouble, Cass Dixon.
Maybe you’ll have to spank me?