Page 27 of A Little Twist
“Yeah.” I look from her to him and back again. “I can tell that about him.”
“I’m trying not to get my feelings hurt by all these compliments.” Drake laughs, pressing his palm to his chest. “I’ll be honest, I didn’t believe her at first. Speaking in the vernacular, I don’t see no ring.”
“It’s being sized,” I answer quickly, moving her hand into mine and lacing our fingers. “Now, if you’ll excuse us. We were just on our way to my office.”
“Slipping out for atête-à-tête?” He gives me a smarmy grin. “I won’t tell a soul.”
He looks like he’s on the verge of messaging Deux Moi the second we’re gone, but I don’t break character. “Thanks for not ruining our surprise.”
He makes a comment as we leave about secrets being safe with him, but I’m still trying to get my head around the idea that Cass told him we’re engaged. Why would she do that?
Instead of going to the bar as I’d originally intended, I take a detour through the tasting room all the way back to my office. Her hand is still clasped in mine, and her heels click on the wood floors as she trots to keep up with me.
When we reach our destination, I release her, flicking on the light and shutting the heavy wooden door. I press my back to it, and she walks to the opposite side of the room, turning her back to the bookshelves and facing me with wide eyes. Her chest moves up and down quickly with her breathing, and her nipples continue teasing me through the thin fabric of her dress.
My office is a large, elegant space with bookshelves and two leather armchairs across from a dark mahogany desk. A green banker’s lamp is on the corner, but the center is wide open with only a leather blotting pad covering the shiny wood.
My fantasy of bringing her here earlier presses against my temples, and her breathless voice only fuels the fire. “I’m so sorry, Alex. I don’t know how he got the idea we’re engaged.”
“You didn’t tell him?” I slide my jacket off my shoulders, draping it over the arm of a leather chair. Next, I reach up and loosen my tie, lifting it over my head and unbuttoning my top two buttons.
“He came up to me before our dance, and he was being such an arrogant asshole to me—like always.” She shakes her head, and my dislike of Drake Redford intensifies.
“In what way was he being an asshole to you?” I’m ready to find his ass again and make him apologize.
“He’s just… I don’t know.” She shoves her hair behind her ears. “When we broke up, he said I’d regret it. He said I’d never be anything but an out-of-work hippie, then when he showed up and started asking me questions, I couldn’t let him be right.”
“So you told him we were together?”
“Sort of.” Her eyes drop to the floor again. “He was going on and on about the distillery and your brand, and I said I could vouch for how hard you work. Then he asked if we were involved, and I didn’t exactly say no… but I didn’t say we were engaged.”
“But you didn’t correct him.”
“No.” Her tone is guilty.
I study her, wondering what to do with this information. She used me to protect her from her asshole ex. She told him we were together, and she made enough of a case that he got the idea I asked her to marry me.
My eyes narrow, and the more I think about it, the more I like it. I’d like to build on this foundation.
Closing the space between us, I reach out to lift her chin gently with my finger. “It’s okay. I’m not mad.”
“You’re not?” Wide blue eyes meet mine, and damn, the truth hits me right in the chest.
Aiden was fucking right. I’ve been pining for this woman since I was a teenager, and I’ve never wanted to admit it. I’ve done other things, pursued other interests, went away for years…
And now I’m back.
And I’m not a boy anymore.
“Drake Redford’s a prick. If it helps you save face with him, I can play along for a night.”
“Oh my god, are you serious? You’d do that for me?”
“I can’t see how it would hurt anything. Provided hedoeskeep it a secret.”
She skips forward, throwing her arms around my neck before stepping back quickly and holding out her hands. “Just til he leaves, and I’m so sorry again for dragging you into my mess.”
“Stuff happens.” I smile, leaning closer and speaking conspiratorially. “We’ll lay it on thick. Make him sorry he… broke up with you?”